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他们能迫使我们屈服吗?Can they compel obedience from us?

他们能迫使我们听从命令吗?。Can they compel obedience from us?

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南方也很不愿意俯首听命。The south also paid little obedience.

那男孩给吓得服服帖帖。The boy was frightened into obedience.

顺服上帝才得真自由。Obedience to God is the key to freedom.

而现在,我听到你呼唤我乳名时的应答。Through my obedience. When I answer now.

他要求下级服从他。He demanded obedience from his inferiors.

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若完全地顺服上帝,这福份将是何等地大!To full obedience how large the blessing!

你的服从训练进行的怎么样了?How’s your obedience training coming along?

我们可以慢慢了解真相,却不能拖延抗命。Understanding can wait, but obedience can't.

借着与主的联合,我们学习顺服。By doing obeisance we are learning obedience.

你正在学习真正的顺从和尊重。You are learning true obedience and deference.

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作为军人应该知道精忠报国,服从命令。As a soldier should know about patriotism, obedience.

信心,不可从悔改和顺服分开。Faith cannot be severed from repentance and obedience.

一次顺服的行为胜过百篇信息。One act of obedience is better than a hundred sermons.

狗受完服从训练后可以获得什麽?What does a dog get when it finishes obedience school?

没有。你知道,军人以服从命令为天职。No. You know, obedience is the first duty of a soldier.

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苏格拉底质疑这种盲目的服从,并且将其上升到了思想体系层面。Socrates questioned such blind obedience to an ideology.

农民要俯首贴耳为地主效劳。The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

作为一名修道士,必须作奉献,并服从修道院院长。Being a monk requires dedication and obedience to the abbot.