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在每一个国家里都有经常预报国家即将毁灭的悲观主义者。There are croakers in every country, always boding its ruin.

到处窃窃私语,人人脸上露出不祥的焦虑。Whispers passed along, and a boding uneasiness took possession of every countenance.

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多数分析师表示,季节性折扣并未超出常规,对于零售商业绩而言是个好兆头.So far most analysts say the season's discounting was not out of line, boding well for retailers' results.

该调查发现外国奢侈品牌,从手袋到汽车,在中国都有良好市场前景。The findings are seen boding well for expensive foreign brands, from handbags to cars, with ambitions in China.

它笼罩著我的记忆,就像预兆不祥的乌鸦在染疫人家的屋顶上迴旋一样——你说我的手帕在他的手里。Thou said'st, it comes o'er my memory, As doth the raven o'er the infected house, Boding to all—he had my handkerchief.

人们听到这句不吉利的话,各有各的想法,以他们的无知和恐惧的程度而各异。The crowd that heard these boding words gave them different interpretations, according to their different shades of ignorance and of fear.

汽油价格降低和大量的工作机会使得的12月消费者的信心飞涨,这预示着新的一年消费良好。Consumer confidence surges in December as declining gas prices and improving job opportunities raise spirits, boding well for spending in the new year.

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而受访者表示,他们计划花费百分之十四以上,平均圣诞礼物,今年,预示良好的关键的一年,年底的购物旺季。And respondents said they plan to spend an average of 14 percent more on Christmas presents this year, boding well for the crucial year-end shopping season.

制造业就业指标上个月升至六年最高水准,预示着广受关注的周五非农就业报告向好.A measure of manufacturing employment last month rose to its highest level in six years, boding well for May's closely watched employment report due on Friday.

含金量高的工种最先开始撤离中国,使得这条东方巨龙想要从劳动密集型过度成高科技型经济并超越日本的计划遭到了阻挠。The move away from China sourcing starts with higher value-added work, boding ill for the Dragon's ambitions to outdo Japan's ascent from a cheap labor to high-tech economy.