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驾驶舱有夜视镜兼容。Cockpits are night vision goggle compatible.

这孩子觉得凸眼的青蛙很有趣。The child was amused by the goggle -eyed frogs.

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小孩子有时半睁眼睡觉,这正常吗?。Dot sometimes half goggle sleep, is this normal?

他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。His insincerity is revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes.

你也希望一睁眼就看到一片春光灿烂?Do you also hope one goggle see a spring scenery is gorgeous?

“有的头盔头盔还加挂有夜视镜的底座,”米勒上校解释说。"Some helmets also have night vision goggle mounts, " notes Merrell.

在这个令人激动的夜晚,菲尔普斯一个人就获得了三个金泳镜的奖项。Phelps finished the night with a total of three Golden Goggle Awards.

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有人说眼镜戴着不舒服,尤其是护目眼镜一类的。People have said that glasses are uncomfortable especially the goggle type.

时尚、舒适、个性是卡丁风镜的最大特色。Fashion, comfortable, personality are the mainly specialty of carting goggle.

卡丁摩托车配件经营部是引领中国风镜开发及销售的公司之一。Is one of the leading companies in creating and selling goggle area in China.

稿纸再一次出现在我面前,但新的改动让我傻了眼。The paper reappeared again in front of me, but new corrections made me goggle.

当我们目瞪口呆看着那些起伏不定的经济数字时,另一组不同的数字从我们身旁悄声而过。As we goggle at the fluttering financial figures, a different set of numbers passes us by.

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“印度人去电影院是去睁大眼睛顶礼膜拜的,”Dhondy说道,“他们并不想要真相。”"Indians go to the cinema to goggle and worship," says Dhondy. "They don't want the truth."

菲尔波特一声不响地注视着那个圆圈和那两个正方形,吓人的大眼睛骨碌碌地转个不停。Philpot's goggle eyes rolled horribly as he glared silently at the circle and the two squares.

非常感谢,这个固定我的问题你是最好的,并应考虑工作的护目镜。Thanks very much, This fixed my problem you are the best and should consider a job with goggle.

在最后阶段,我们看到一只小小的,湿润的,眼睛还没有睁开的小鸡,已经准备好了要孵化出来迈向这个世界。In the final stages a small, wet, goggle eyed chicken is visible, ready to hatch into the world.

BAE系统公司将在这种增强型夜视镜中使用该公司的非冷却微型红外微测辐射热仪传感器技术。BAE Systems will incorporate its uncooled MicroIR microbolometer sensor technology in the enhanced goggle.

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在假睫毛上涂胶,待五分干时戴上,稍待片刻后睁眼查看。In the gelatinize on false eyelash, when waiting for 5 cent doing, wear, after waiting for moment a bit goggle examine.

一天他喝得醉熏熏的,回到家看到妻子像非洲雄狮是的瞪着他!One he drinks the day drunken to fume fume, return the home to see the wife resembles African male lion yes goggle at him!

小英仍是无动于衷,瞪着眼睛望着妈妈和那个男士,决定以沉默代表自己最后的人性尊严。Xiaoying still is apathetic, goggle at eye is looking at mom and that man, decision with silent him delegate final human dignity.