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小约翰误吞了一枚25美分硬币。Little Johnny accidently swallowed a quarter.

他是不小心将名字留在了营业税单上的。he had accidently put his name on the sales-tax form.

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这个快捷键显得非常便捷在你意外关闭一个标签后。This comes quite handy in case you accidently close a tab.

史密斯偶然使桑切斯处于不越位的位置上,所以西班牙踢进的球有效。Smith accidently played Sanchez on, so the Spanish goal was allowed.

你一不小心直视氦氩激光,暂停一轮并失去一只眼睛的视网膜。You accidently stare at a helium-argon laser, lose one turn and a retina.

真出乎意外,警察偶然找到了那疑案的答案。Quite accidently the answer to the mystery came tumbling into the police's lap.

五年前,奥斯卡在狩猎时意外开枪打中自己而惨遭毁容。Oscar's face was disfigured five years ago when he accidently shot himself while hunting.

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马克想用他的象鼻把凯萨琳揽过来,但他却不小心把火把弄熄了。Mark tries to reach over and grab her with his trunk, but he accidently blows the torch out.

几天前我的手臂被不小心划伤了,不过伤口还是像往常一样很快的愈合了。A few days ago, I accidently cut my arm, and that cut appears to be healing normally as well.

开始时我不知道,因此我第一次叫我的中国妈妈时,就叫错了姓!I didn't realize this, and at first, I accidently called my Chinese mom by the wrong last name!

但如果没有那个意外的站内,我们还会是天涯上的路人吧?However, if there is no that the accidently station, we will be pedestrians on the tianya. cn, right?

如果收银员多找了你的钱,你一定要当着孩子的面把钱退回去。If the cashier accidently gives you too much money in change be sure your children see you return it.

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我第一次不小心开过头了,但是看到了他们全家在外貌等我。I accidently drove past their house the first time, but saw the whole folks outside waiting to meet me.

我第一次不小心开过头了,但是看到了他们全家在外面等我。I accidently drove past their house the first time, but saw the whole family outside waiting to meet me.

有棕榈树的小岛某日下班回家的路上,远远地就看到一根新鲜的玉米“长”在城市的路旁。呵呵,营销学,无处不在。One day on my way home, I accidently saw a corn "growing" on the city street. See, marketing is everywhere!

静静坐在电脑前,无意间播放了那年那首曾令我心醉神往的歌。Sitting in front of the computer quietly, accidently I played the song which has ever enchanted me that year.

有一天,因为心意的淘气疏忽,妹妹意外落入破裂的冰河中溺水而亡。One day, younger sister fell into the frozen river accidently and died because of the reason of Xinyi's neglect.

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当她急着为参加一次婚宴而化妆的时候,她意外地将眉笔插到刘海儿那里了!As she was hurridly applying her makeup to go to a wedding she accidently got her mascara brush stuck in her bangs!

就在它主人四岁的儿子想给它洗澡的时候,这只可卡犬被冲进了马桶里。The cocker spaniel was accidently flushed down a toilet when the owner's four-year-old son tried to wash the animal.

因此,服务的滥用、错用机会也就越大,不管是有意的还是无意的。As a result of this, there is a greater opportunity for the service to be misused, whether accidently or maliciously.