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这种极限情况是什么?What was the limiting case?

镁是极限反应物。Mag is the limiting reagent.

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限制了选择,你就能创造价值。By limiting choice, you can create value.

弧光灯需要一个限流镇流器。Arc lamps require a current- limiting ballast.

那么我们已经看到热容的极限情况。So we've seen the heat capacity limiting cases.

然后,我们得到运行的限制条件。Then we have limiting conditions for operation.

阿限制值可以在此模式下编程。A limiting value can be programmed in this mode.

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如前面所提到的,限制签名者可减少风险。As mentioned earlier, limiting signers limits risk.

限幅放大器。包在扁平的容器。Limiting amplifier. Package in flat pack container.

所以这种限制条件真的很差劲。So that type of limiting conditioning really sucks.

漏泄通路是限制绝缘电阻的主要因素。Leakage paths are the primary factor in limiting IR.

而且它没有做任何限定,比如说电子。and he's not limiting this, for example, to electrons.

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我们已经看到极限情况下的热容。So we've seen the limiting cases for the heat capacity.

这就是利用太阳能和风能的限制性因素。That's the limiting factor for both sun and wind energy.

它的第一限制性氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸。Its first limiting amino acid was methionine plus cystine.

讨论了光学双稳态和光限特性。The optical bistability and optical Limiting were discussed.

热容是怎样的,在不同极限情况下。What the heat capacities would be in various limiting cases.

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因为童年时获得的一些信念阻止了他们。Because some limiting beliefs acquired in childhood stop them.

赖氨酸和苏氨酸为小麦籽粒限制性氨基酸。Lysine and threonine are limiting amino acids in wheat protein.

这是非常小的和限制小福雷斯特甘。That cubbyhole is much too small and limiting for Forrest Gump.