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这口油井出油了。The well blew in.

保险丝烧断了。The fuse blew out.

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他给了她一个飞吻。He blew her a kiss.

北风又吹了起来。North wind blew up.

那于保险丝烧断。That blew the fuse.

门刮开了。The door blew open.

门被吹开了。The flame blew out.

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纸被吹掉了。The paper blew away.

报纸被风吹了出去。The papers blew out.

该投手表现失常。The pitcher blew up.

喇叭吹得很响。The horn blew loudly.

窗户被吹开了?。The window blew open.

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我的草帽被风吹掉了。My straw hat blew off.

煤气灯吹灭了。The gas lamp blew out.

微风拂动着我的发丝。The wind blew my hair.

他吹掉沙子。He blew the sands away.

他的家被炸飞了天。His home blew sky high.

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他约好了开会时间不来。He blew off the meeting.

前轮胎爆裂了。The front tyre blew out.

风把屋顶吹掉了。What blew the roof away.