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他是枝繁叶茂的无理性之蛇发妖树。It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with a thousand roots.

而那些非理性的力量则在无益的倾轧中互相毁灭。The forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife.

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到目前为止,奥巴马还没有很好地回应这种非理性攻击。Up to now, Obama has not responded well to this onslaught of unreason.

生和死、攻击和自由、情感和意志是非理性的核心要素。Life and death, attack and freedom, emotion and will power are core elements of unreason.

物权行为以其独立性和无因性为支柱。The juristic acts of real rights are based on unreason principle and independence principle.

曾有一些时期,这样的人们在理性缺失的环境中过着孤独、困苦、不被人理解的生活。In some ages, such people lived lonely, difficult, misunderstood lives amid the unreason around them.

当所有这些都说了,都做了,我们又怎么会不知道我们自己的不可理喻可能比其他人的真相更好呢?When all is said and done, how do we not know but that our own unreason may be better than another’s truth?

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无因性的存在,使物权行为理论的价值受到挑战。The existence of unreason principle makes the value of the theory of the juristic acts of real rights be challenged.

费耶阿本德倡导“理性”于“非理性”都具有平等话语权,鼓励多样化的生活方式和文化。Feyerabend advocates that reason and unreason both have rights to speak. He encourages various lifestyles and cultures.

物权行为无因性,是法律行为理论体系赋予物权行为的基本特性,存在于任何一种形式的物权行为。From the theory on juristic acts, we know that the Unreason Principle is the basic nature of juristic act of ownership.

在大标题的影响力和恐慌的版之下,无理性的传染能容易地传布过一个固定的社区。Under the influence of headlines and panicky print, the contagion of unreason can easily spread through a settled community.

而物权行为无因性的相对化则是物权行为理论合理化的必然选择。To rationalize the theory of the juristic acts of real rights, the inevitably choice is to make unreason principle relativistic.

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土地资源配置问题,是针对土地资源经济供给的稀缺性以及土地利用过程中的不合理性而提出来的。Optimal allocation of land resource are proposed, aimed at the short of economic supply of land resource and the unreason of land-use process.

因此,应在历史的视野中辩证地把握理性与非理性在科学技术活动中的张力。Therefore, the tension of the reason and unreason in the activities of science and technology should be dialectically held in a visual field of the history.

我是个年轻女孩,是处女,因此男人否认我有理性,就像他们也否认那些不与他们完全相同的生物有理性,这是多麽没理性的态度。I was a young girl, a virgin, and therefore men denied me rationality just as they denied it to all those who were not exactly like themselves, in all their unreason.

宗教和迷信都是对自然的演说,二者无疑有着本质上的区别,其最大的区别在于其理性与非理性的本源和转化。Both religion and superstition are the speech to the nature and has essential differences. The biggest difference is the origin and transform of its' reason and unreason.

探讨了系统危险等级模糊特征量的置信度准则,指出了属性识别理论中置信度准则的不合理性。Believing degree criterion of fuzzy characteristic quantity of risk grade of system was discussed, and unreason of believing degree in property recognized theory was pointed out.

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针对以概率统计为基础信道估计收敛速度慢、状态估计存在非合理性的问题进行研究,提出了一种新的多用户检测方法。For investigation on the slow convergence speed of channel estimation and the unreason of state estimation in the probabilistic algorithms, a new multiuser detection was presented.

我国劳动教养制度的主要问题表现在法律依据不合法、行为性质不明确、期限不合理、程序不规范等方面。The main problems of the reeducation through labor in our country are the unlawful bases of law, uncertain natures of acts, unreason -ble deadlines, unstandardized procedures, etc.