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“油类产品在这个年龄段的使用急剧下降,”格拉芙说道。"Oil production drops dramatically at this age, " says Graf.

格拉夫的狭窄工作室在一个重新装修过的仓库里。De Graf works in a cramped studio in a redecorated warehouse.

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另外还有德国的两艘新航空母舰齐柏林伯爵号和德意志兰号。So were Germany's two new carriers Graf Zeppelin and Deutschland.

刚来战俘营的时候我不认识任何人,只有格拉夫和我在一起。I did not know anybody when I came to this camp, only Graf was with me.

格拉芙身手不凡,登上了本年度女子网球赛冠军的宝座。Graf took the better part of the year to climb to No. 1 in women's tennis.

为什么搜索“格拉夫”的最终结果是网球的一般项目?。Why searching on "Graf" results in Web pages on general subject of tennis?

格拉芙以一枚奥运金牌结束了自己大满贯的网球赛季。Steffi Graf concluded her Grand Slam tennis season by winning Olympic gold.

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“这是当你看到皮肤上更多的老年斑,晒斑和暗斑的时候,”格拉芙说。This is when you see more age spots, sun spots, and discoloration, " says Graf."

“这是当你看到皮肤上更多的老年斑,晒斑和暗斑的时候,”格拉芙说。"This is when you see more age spots, sun spots, and discoloration, " says Graf.

为免斯比上将号落入敌人手上,兰斯多夫把船炸毁。Rather than let his ship fall into enemy hands, Langsdorff blew up the Graf Spee.

她其后获奖学金,在萨尔斯堡莫扎特音乐学院进修,师承格拉夫教授。She was awarded a scholarship to study at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Maestro Hans Graf.

GRAF第一次来中国举办大师班和独奏音乐会。GRAF who comes to China for the first time will hold masters' classes and play solo concert.

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然后,他非全时工作作为素描的威尔伯吨特鲁伯罗德和Hugo格拉夫在圣路易斯。He then worked part-time as a draughtsman for Wilbur T. Trueblood and Hugo Graf in St Louis.

1993年,塞莱斯在汉堡网球赛中被一位疯狂的史蒂夫·格拉芙球迷刺伤背部。In 1993, Seles was stabbed in the Back at a tennis tournament in Hamburg by a crazed Steffi Graf fan.

更年期时随着荷尔蒙的减少影响了皮肤的弹性,坚硬度和保湿水平。"The loss of hormones during menopause affects elasticity, firmness, and moisture levels, " says Graf.

格拉夫的冬青佐贺表明海军对她的忽视已久的指挥失当警告标志。The saga of Holly Graf suggests the Navy had long ignored warning signs about her suitability for command.

施特菲·格拉夫是德国网球界最出色、最稳定的球员,也许在世界上也是如此。Stuffy Graf has been the most consistently brilliant of all German tennis players, perhaps of all players anywhere.

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决赛没那么简单,格拉芙和备受球迷喜爱的萨巴蒂尼在第二盘和第三盘共破发12次,真是充满戏剧性的剧本啊。The final wasn't pretty -- Graf and fan favorite Sabatini were broken a combined 12 times in the second and third sets.

今年,她才18岁,是继马蒂娜·辛吉斯、莫尼卡·塞莱斯、特蕾西·奥斯汀和施特菲·格拉芙后第五位最年轻的获此殊荣的选手。At 18, she's also the fifth youngest to hold the top spot, following Martina Hingis, Monica Seles, Tracy Austin and Steffi Graf.

我一直在网上搜寻一些1936-1937的、老旧的、建立在谣言基础上的、德国格拉芙飞艇新闻文章。我敢打赌,他们都是令人热血澎湃的。I've been surfing the internet for some old 1936-1937 news articles on rumors of Germanybuilding the Graf Zeppelin. I bet they were all warm and fuzzy too.