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使迷惑或使吃惊。To bewilder or astonish.

决定使大家都感到震动。The decision makes everybody feels astonish.

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以前谁也没想到这一点,是我感到惊讶。It astonish me that no one have think of this before.

她有必要使人惊讶和着迷。It is necessary that she should astonish and bewitch.

幸福有限责任公司震惊星辰The Firm of Happiness, Limited was one to astonish the stars

它们色彩之丰富、形状之多变和习性之多样,足以让人叹为观止。They astonish with the variety of colors, shapes, and behaviors.

永为正义之事,这将取悦部分人,并使其他人对此难以置信。——马克·吐温。Always do right, This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

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事物在自身之中或在上帝之中的永恒,也一定会使我们短暂的生命惊叹不已。The eternity of things in itself or in God must also astonish our brief duration.

通过爱因思维的思维,我们和世界是编织在一起的,这让我大吃一惊。We and the world are knit together by Einstein's thinking in ways that astonish me.

而接下来你要看到的这个巨型机器人恐怕是连铁杆卡通迷也要为之大吃一惊。The gigantic creation you're about to see might even astonish the most serious cartoon enthusiasts.

她会以她浓郁的麝香味道和蜜汁的丰盈口感,给您的味觉一个美妙的惊喜。It will astonish your aperitif papillae by its muscat fragrances and the with mellifluous by its mouth.

葛朗台坐在一边把大拇指绕动了四小时,想着明天会教索漠全城吃惊的计算,出神了。Grandet sat twiddling his thumbs, lost in calculation the results of which were to astonish Saumur one day.

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不管怎样,有些演员能用他们所演的角色在我们身上激发起来的深深情感震撼我们。However, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing.

不管怎样,有些演员能用他们所演的角色在我们身上鼓动起来的深深情感震撼我们。However, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they call inspire in us for a character they are playing.

有幸结识李磊多年,这些年来他的作品总是能带我给极大的冲击和惊喜。Li Lei has been a good friend of mine for several years now, and still his artworks have never ceased to astonish me.

不过我敢说,你对他的看法大致可以说是骇人听闻的,或许你在别的地方就不会说得这样过火吧。But I believe your opinion of him would in general astonish -- and perhaps you would not express it quite so strongly anywhere else.

要想快速得到这种粗面效果,也可以用超级乳状清洁剂这样的温和磨料用力摩擦家具表面。You can fast-forward to the matt finish of this piece by scrubbing regularly with a mild abrasive like Astonish Orange Cream Cleaner.

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他还自学阿拉伯文,经常阅读秘传书籍,并企望能够在芬兰或土耳其的学术刊物上发表文章,好一鸣惊人。He had taught himself Arabic also, and read esoteric books, and hoped to astonish everyone by publishing in journals in Finland or Turkey.

这些伟大的革命街垒是英雄们的聚会之所,不可思议的事在这里是极其普遍的,在他们之间甚至都不以为奇了。These great revolutionary barricades were assembling points for heroism.The improbable was simple there. These men did not astonish each other.

本赛季只要发挥常绿震惊游戏,淘气GANESHA,透过云层的旅行,以得分高N高,并成为最佳射手。This season play the evergreen astonish game with Naughty Ganesha, travel through the clouds as long as to score high n high and be the top scorer.