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最近看了一本书,觉得蛮有意思的。Recently read a book, thinks interestingly.

不,真有意思,是落叶机清扫机。No, interestingly enough her leaf blower picked up.

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更有意思的是,你也听不见无线电波。And interestingly enough, you can't hear radio waves.

你也可以把它命名为。X Y Z It's more interestingly named an X or Y or Z.

有趣的是,VIAF是由OCLC主办并且实施的。Interestingly enough, VIAF is hosted and implemented by OCLC.

有趣的是,所有关于竞选的报道都有种守旧的感觉。Interestingly enough, the coverage of any election still has an old school feel.

对称性也与此相关,但有趣的是,研究小组发现男性气概与此无关。Symmetry was also linked – but, interestingly masculinity was not, the team found.

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对我而言,那些错得有趣的事情,皆因所使用的方法有问题。For me, things have to be interestingly wrong, and the methods are all that matter.

我们也饶有兴趣的看到了PHP被用来直接加强企业连通性。Interestingly we are also seeing PHP used to directly enhance enterprise connectivity.

非常有意思的是,他们在12-13层时达到终极速度。Interestingly though, they should reach their terminal velocity at around 12-13 stories.

有意思的是,现代管理学之父彼得•德鲁克也没上过商学院。Interestingly enough, the same is true of the father of modern management, Peter Drucker.

有趣的是,“性格”一词是从“角色”一词衍生而来的,意思是“演员的面具”。Interestingly enough, the word "personality" comes from persona, meaning "an actor's mask.

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很有趣的是,我们也听到一点儿关于所谓的波罗的海各国—爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛。Interestingly enough we hear a bit about the so-called Baltics -- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

有趣的是她现在睡前她会自己跟自己说话,像自己催眠自己,看片!And more interestingly she now talks to herself before sleep. It is like her hypnotizing herself.

很有意思的是,你会发现这其中大部分“缩写”经常准确得要死,实际上原著全凭那么一两句话就可概括。Interestingly enough, you'll find that many of them are dead-on descriptions of the actual works.

有趣的是,这种叫非那司提的药,正好是用于治疗男性秃头的。Interestingly that drug, called finasteride, is the same one used to treat male pattern baldness.

有趣地是印度没有出现在名单中,笑。我认为印度至少可以比日本获得更多投票。Interestingly India is not even on this list LOL. I think it'd at least get more votes than Japan.

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有趣吧,但是最近的研究告诉我们,女人爱道歉的原因更奇妙。Interestingly though, recent research revealed a curious twist for why women tend to apologize more.

有趣的是,门店经理工作的时间越长,缺货的情况越少。Interestingly enough, the longer a store manager has been with the store, the lower the out-of-stocks.

有趣的是,这将鼓励风投迅速敲定交易。Interestingly enough, this should encourage the VC to work expeditiously on getting the transaction done.