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他还演奏萨克斯呢。He was playing saxophone.

你的萨克斯风吹得好。You play the saxophone well.

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男孩学过色士风。The boy learns the saxophone.

他已精通萨克管的演奏。He has mastered the saxophone.

相当狂放的萨克斯即兴演奏It's a wild riff for saxophone.

那钢琴演奏者兼作萨克斯管吹奏员。The pianist doubles on saxophone.

乔治对他的新萨克斯风爱不释手。George is mad about his new saxophone.

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你不觉得萨克斯风是个很性感的乐器吗?Don't you think the saxophone is a sexy instrument?

有时她会听他吹奏萨克斯管。Sometimes she would listen to him playing the saxophone.

他根本不会吹萨克斯管,只吹出“嘟嘟”的声音,把我们大家逗得哈哈大笑。He couldn't play saxophone but hoot,which set us laughing.

他在乐队中与我紧挨——我们都吹萨克斯管。He sat next to me in band – we both played alto saxophone.

比尔克林顿喜欢打高尔夫,慢跑,还会吹萨克斯。Bill Clinton also golfed, jogged, and played the saxophone.

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生产一只萨克斯风,至少需要20人加上30天!Producing a saxophone needs 20 persons and 30 days at the least!

这就是查克·曼卓林,和他的萨克斯手一起演出的一段华彩乐章So here's Chuck Mangione with his saxophonist and a saxophone cadenza.

中音萨克斯喉舌更适合直颈康斯。Alto saxophone mouthpiece is more suitable for Constance neck directly.

拉里可以弹奏许多种乐器,包括小提琴和萨克斯风。Larry can play many musical instruments, including the violin and saxophone.

它的霓虹灯老态尽显,萨克斯爵士乐从扬声器里舒缓地传出。Its neon displays have a retro feel and saxophone jazz eases from the speakers.

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孙颖麟自2008年起担任澳门演艺学院音乐学校的萨克斯风及长笛导师。He has been teaching the saxophone and flute at the Macao Conservatory since 2008.

进入警察学院后费德洛娃吹萨克斯,是军乐队的成员。At the police academy, Fedorova played the saxophone as a member of the brass band.

演奏萨克斯管的一个重要部分就是在吹奏前能用舌头吹动簧片。An important part of playing saxophone is the ability to tongue the reed before you blow.