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她是个多病的孩子。He is a sickly child.

我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask about the vocation and sickly?

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他强打精神对摄像机苦笑一下。He summoned up a sickly smile for camera.

但经济活动看起来仍是病怏怏的模样.However, the economy continues to look sickly.

当时适值疾病流行的美妙季节。It was a nice sickly season just at this time.

歌颂为他人牺牲的病态温情主义!Sickly sentimentalism about sacrifice for others!

但一个领导人的体弱多病的侄子也被提名。But a nephew of the sickly leader is also a nominee.

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埃德加接回了林顿,他是一个虚弱而多病的男孩。Edgar returns with Linton who is a weak and sickly boy.

她是一个娇小的女人,弱不禁风,甚至显出多愁多病的样子。She was a little woman, frail, and even sickly looking.

牛的酮病会有一种甜而令人讨厌的气味。There may be a sweet sickly smell of ketosis in cattle.

奶沫太多总会使茶带上一种酸软的味道。Milk that is too creamy always gives tea a sickly taste.

六个愚蠢的姐妹把丝绸卖给了六个有病的老居民。Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens.

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如果你没有遵守,那么你可能就不再超重而是体弱多病了。Don't, and you're probably going to end up overweight and sickly.

青涩、未尽成熟的时期,心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.

他的父亲体弱多病,而母亲则靠洗衣服维持家计。His father was a sickly man and his mother washed clothing for a living.

我的体重,也永远不会瘦到只有骨瘦如柴的80磅,但是因为“它”,她会。I've never weighed a frail, sickly 80 pounds, but because of IT, she did.

一个勉强挣扎到十几岁的,脾气坏透的小病人。The worst-tempered bit of a sickly slip that ever struggled into its teens.

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作为一名看起来很古老的人类,他有着苍白的皮肤和灼热、病态的黄眼睛。An ancient-looking human, he had pale skin, and searing, sickly yellow eyes.

警察打断了男主人的一条腿,并狠揍了他的老妻。The police broke the husband's leg and beat his wife's flesh a sickly purple.

但是他们认为身体是病态之物,他们会欢喜地褪去自己的皮肤。But it is a sickly thing to them, and gladly would they get out of their skin.