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妳别站在外边,要不全身都要湿透了。Dont stand outside, or you will get drenching.

一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一身水。A jeep, full, sped fast, drenching me in spray.

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一辆吉普车载满了人,速度很快,溅了我一身水。A jeep, full, sped past, drenching me in spray.

中西部地区的沼泽地区刚从强烈的暴风雨中恢复过来。A swamp of the Midwest is recovering from drenching storms.

毫无疑问我第一年给牲畜灌药的经历让人难以忘怀。My first year of drenching was certainly one to be remembered.

如果没有一场透地雨,森林大火将烧尽一切。Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything.

不用说,这是一个值得欢迎的湿透,但它仍然是没有多少乐趣。Needless to say it's a welcome drenching but it still isn't all that much fun.

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一头大象正用它内置的“水管儿”浇湿自己,享受自己的午后淋浴。Drenching itself with its built-in hose, an Asian elephant takes an afternoon shower.

片刻之间,倾盆大雨劈头泼下,阵阵狂风又沿着地面把它们刮成了一片片雨幕。And now a drenching rain poured down and the rising hurricane drove it in sheets along the ground.

播种的种子发芽后,将因缺乏光照和淫雨连绵而枯萎。Seeds sown will fail to thrive after germination from lack of sunlight and the excessive drenching rains.

对该抑尘剂进行了抗低温、抗雨淋性能试验,汽车模拟试验。The low- temperature resistance test , rain drenching resistance test and automobile simulation tests were made.

保管好淋水雨具,不要让水滴在扶梯上,以免扶梯发生故障或危险。Keep a good drenching rain gear, don't let the water droplets on the escalator, lest the escalator failure or dangerous.

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整个东海岸被雨淋透了。由于受强东北风通过的影响,夹杂着冰和雪的倾盆大雨在这个区域下个不停。The East Coast is getting a good drenching. Rain, ice and snow are pelting the region as a strong nor'easter moves through.

之后,日照雨淋,贫瘠的黑岩地表慢慢开始变软。Then, as blazing sunshine alternated with drenching rains, the harsh, barren surfaces of the black rocks slowly began to soften.

连绵的雨水主要降在高原山脊,该地区成了干旱内陆与葱郁肥沃沿海地区的分水岭。Drenching rains fall primarily on the mountainous ridge that separates the lush, fertile areas along the coast from the arid interior

听起来更多像在,在糊状物中炸它,然后自吹自擂你的孩子现在“喜欢蔬菜!”Sounds more like drenching broccoli in golden syrup, frying it in batter and then boasting about how your kids now "love vegetables"!

每当电视上出现女人生孩子的镜头时,女人们总是显得痛苦万分,她们大声喊叫着,汗水湿透了衣服。Whenever there is a scene of procreation on TV, women always seem to suffer hugely, crying and screaming, sweat drenching their clothes.

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这个被称为“弗朗西斯”的风暴系统目前已经移动到美国的东南地区。此前,“弗朗西斯”风暴在佛罗里达倾泄了三十多厘米的降雨。The storm system known as Frances moved into the southeastern United States after drenching Florida with more than 30 centimeters of rain.

热带风暴丽致使东北部地区普降大雨继而发出洪水监控警告。此次风暴导致至少四人死亡。What remains of Tropical Storm Lee is drenching the northeast, sending out flood watches and warnings. Lee has killed at least four people.

送她回家的路上,两个人走在淡淡的月光下,一路都能听到樱花在风中飘落的声音。On the way of sending her home, they wandered drenching in moonlight, accompanied by the melody of cherry blossom flaking away in the breeze.