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这是对犯罪的无限冷酷。that is callousness heaped on criminality.

童年挨揍也跟犯罪有关联。Spanking in childhood also has been related to criminality.

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贝鲁斯科尼说这一事件是“媒体作恶”的结果。Berlusconi said the affair was the result of "media criminality".

为什么这种病毒传染源就等同于犯罪呢?Why is this the transmittable disease whose transmission equates to criminality?

本研究的最后对艾森克的“犯罪性理论”进行了实证性验证。Finally, this article verified Eysencks "Criminality theory" with empirical method.

逃学率自2007年以来也有所下降,青少年犯罪率也是如此。School-truancy rates have fallen since 2007, along with levels of youthful criminality.

简言之,除罪化就是将原来作为犯罪的行为不再作为犯罪处理。To be brief, decriminalization means no longer treats criminality as a crime as before.

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骗税另一方面,涉及伪造文件,因而更多的犯罪行为。Tax fraud, on the other hand, involves forging documents and thus much more criminality.

这加强了很多人认为的这些暴徒的行为是机会主义犯罪的说法。That underscored what many have described as the opportunistic criminality of the riots.

因为歌潭镇受宠的孩子,将会让你在这个犯罪的中心施以完美的打击。As Gotham's favored son you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality.

由于“僵尸网络”从简单的破坏行为演变成成熟的犯罪行为,人们更加认真地予以对待。As botnets evolve from simple vandalism to sophisticated criminality , people take them more seriously.

在犯罪背景中固定效应估计者的原因解释我们能相信多少?How Much Can We Trust Causal Interpretations of Fixed-Effects Estimators in the Context of Criminality?

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尿床的人及其家庭饱受各方面的指责,比如缺乏教养、甚至被指责有犯罪的潜质。Sufferers and their families have been accused of everything from poor parenting to latent criminality.

其中年龄最小的,在实施部分犯罪行为时,还不满18周岁。Among them the age is the smallest, when executive part criminality , malcontent still 18 one full year of life.

那里是没有真正的调解,直到罪行坚定地到位和成为了一种最大峰值的生活方式。There is no real intercession until criminality is firmly in place and has become an all-encompassing lifestyle.

第五部分探讨了未遂教唆的责任问题,认为其犯罪性与可罚性应视情况而定。The writer thinks that we should treat non -pure chance of attempted instigation on the criminality and the penalty.

英国犯罪学家阿德里安·雷恩教授指出,非正常的脑部生理结构可能是犯罪的一种致因。Prof Adrian Raine, a British criminologist, argued that abnormal physical brain make-up could be a cause of criminality.

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许多地区劣迹斑斑、罪行累累的政客使得这个决定在普京任命工作开始前看起来还算明智。The sleaze and criminality of many regional politicians made this seem almost sensible—until Mr Putin’s appointments began.

当时的报纸猛烈甚至地抨击了被称作“不必要的引进”的关于“种族犯罪”的危机。Newspapers of the day inveighed, nastily, against what one called an "unnecessarily imported" crisis of "ethnic criminality".

我们必须准备在初期就逐一介入各个问题家庭,甚至早在任何犯罪行为发生之前。We had to be prepared to intervene literally family by family and at an early stage, even before any criminality had occurred.