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现在我们把这个重新画为零。So now we'll redraw this as zero.

并且,他打算亲自重新绘制。And he intends to redraw it himself.

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我们重新画一张清晰地图像Let me redraw a picture unscribbled.

我打算把它画成水平的。I am going to redraw it horizontally.

我们来看看管子的内部,再重新画张图。Let's take a look inside that tube. Let me redraw it.

我们一起重新画一下,从1到2So let's redraw it. So it goes from 1 to 2 this time.

系统颜色更改时,此控件将进行重绘。The control will redraw when the system colors change.

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他发现中国人愿意为了其它目的而在地图上重新画国界。What he found is that China is willing to redraw lines on the map to suit other aims.

第一是气候变化,人们预计这会重塑森林生态系统的版图。The first is climate change, which is expected to redraw the map of forest ecosystems.

UI线程从队列中取出此请求,并通知widget重绘自己。The UI thread dequeues the request and notifies the widget that it should redraw itself.

向鼠标下的窗口发重画消息,让它调用系统函数重画。Second, to the window under the mouse fat redraw message, it calls system function redraw.

但是,这会导致你的活动重新计算和重绘基于新的大小布局。However, this causes your activity to recompute and redraw the layout based on its new size.

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事实上,如果您拖动另一个窗口让它与时钟的一部分重叠,时钟被重叠的部分仍然会保持不变。In fact, if you drag another window over part of it, that part of the clock won't even redraw.

但是现在这个小方格看不太清楚,接下来我重新画一下这个小方格But I can't see that little box, so what I'm going to do is i'm going to redraw that little box.

如果一个元素的值是‘static’的时候修改了,那么重绘的时候性能就会降低。If an element is modified when the value is 'static', then redraw might have reduced performance.

此成员函数用指明一次拖放操作的目标的风格来重画该项。Call this function to redraw the item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation.

为了能够得到更多可以出售的土地,政府只需重新划分土地,把周围农民的土地吞并。To acquire more land that they can sell, cities simply redraw their boundaries to engulf the surrounding farms.

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不过,最重要的还是,他将需要重新制定竞选路线图、克服共和党人享有的天生优势。Most of all, though, he will need to redraw the electoral map to overcome built-in advantages Republicans enjoy.

其实,他们在用叽喳网发布销售点的同时,很可能也正在帮助重新勾画美国国际化生活的前沿版图。As they Twitter their new destinations, they may very well help redraw the map of America’s cosmopolitan frontier.

当动画或其他事件改变页面部分的外观时,您不想重绘整个网页。When an animation or some other event changes how part of a page looks, you don't want to redraw the entire webpage.