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这是一副茶杯与茶托。This is a cup and saucer.

我的茶杯和茶托在哪儿呢?。Where's my cup and saucer?

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想看飞碟吗?Want to see a flying saucer?

茶溢出流到茶托里了。The tea slopped into the saucer.

他很快的轻轻漂浮进去。He quickly levitated into the saucer.

他将茶杯与碟子相碰发出丁当的声音。He clacked the cup against the saucer.

猫把碟子里的牛奶舔掉了。The cat licked the milk off the saucer.

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茶碟里的蜡烛已经烧灭了。The candle in the saucer had burned out.

一些茶水晃到了茶托上。Some tea had slopped over into the saucer.

我小心翼翼地将杯子放回茶碟。I replaced the cup carefully in the saucer.

我从一家瓷器店购买了一套杯碟。I bought a cup and saucer from a china shop.

我从一家瓷器店购买了一套杯碟。She offer me tea in her best cup and saucer.

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不要从餐桌上移动你的盘子或茶碟。Don't lift your plate or saucer from the table.

昨天我为自己买了一只附有托碟的茶杯。I bought a cup and saucer for myself yesterday.

约翰把带茶托的茶杯放在咖啡桌上。John put his cup and saucer on the coffee table.

狗很快就将碟子里的牛奶舔光了。The dog quickly lapped up the milk in the saucer.

这时,那个小女孩非常小心地把杯子放回茶碟里。The girl put her cup back in its saucer — carefully.

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好,你上次玩有出现杯盘牌吧?I assume the saucer card came up when you played last.

如果桌子太矮了,把茶碟端在齐腰的高度。If the table is too low, hold the saucer at waist height.

她放下杯子时在茶碟上咣当碰了一下。She set her cup down, and it clattered against the saucer.