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焦虑是个杀手。Anxiety is a killer.

它是梦想的杀手。It is a dream killer.

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凶手是职业杀手。Your killer is a pro.

这个杀婴凶手是谁?Who's the baby killer?

烟气是火魔的杀手锏。Smoke is the killer of fire.

你是个冷血杀手。You are a stone-cold killer.

这是一只逆戟鲸,虎鲸的一种。It's an Orca, a killer whale.

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从某种意义上说,我是一个天生的杀手。In a sense, I'm a born killer.

香烟则是另一个大杀手。Tobacco is another big killer.

和一个凶手双式直插式封装池看!Dipping pool with a killer view!

高血压是致人死命的。High blood pressure is a killer.

疟疾是另一种常见的杀手。Malaria is another common killer.

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在佛罗里达州打高尔夫球正是棒极了。The golfing in Florida is killer.

这个凶手勒死了被害者。The killer strangled his victims.

毕竟不能凭空创造一个杀手。You can't simply produce a killer.

丑类无敌的汽车杀手。Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer.

给杀人者应得之惩罚。Giving the killer what he deserves.

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英语考试真是要了我的老命。The English exam was a really killer.

一个狡猾的凶手在众目睽睽下隐藏。A cunning killer hides in plain sight.

因为她不够心狠手辣。Because she lacks the killer instinct.