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你变得不通人情。You became inhuman.

但这样不人道,而且残忍。But that's inhuman and cruel.

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你知道吗,你这个人的确不通人情。You know you're really inhuman.

这是一个杀人机器,冰冷和残忍。This is a killing machine, cold and inhuman.

这种非人的生活,在其他女孩身上也同样上演着。Such inhuman life, in other girls who are also staged.

有时你身上有种无人性的东西。There is something positively inhuman in you at times.

我们会联想到暴力、残忍和没有人性这些词。We may think of the words violent, brutal and inhuman.

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去颂扬布利克式非人孤独的人物。In praise of Character in the Bleak inhuman Loneliness.

你能想起来只是超出人体承受的肌肉强直、神经紧绷。You do remember an inhuman tenseness of muscle and nerves.

他们犯有最野蛮、最灭绝人性的残暴罪行。They were guilty of the most barbarous and inhuman atrocities.

拳击是最不人道的运动,然而只有人能够发明。Boxing is the single most inhuman sport,which only humans can invent.

驯服野生动物并将他们永久关在动物园力的做法是不人道的。It is inhuman to tame wild animals and cage them in zoos permanently.

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放纵的怒火驱使你以惊人的速度激发狂暴战斗。Unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.

在这无情的季节里,在这可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season.

毫无人性的力量以及仇恨的威力变得极度危险。The powers of the inhuman and the efficacy of hatreds mutate dangerously.

对于这座非人道的建筑你没有必要再为它费心,它已经玩玩了。You don't need to do anything else about this inhuman structure. It's over.

这种令人惊讶的天真的想法源于轻易相信人类的本性。This astonishingly naive vision springs from a credulous faith inhuman nature.

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基于唯物论所需要的压制这些想法使人变得有点不人道。The suppression of reason that materialism requires makes one a little inhuman.

你是个叛逆的杂种,就该死在那野蛮的畜生身边!You're a traitorous mongrel who deserves to die right beside that inhuman beast!

她安全了,但至今那些非人的生活仍在梦里折磨她。She security, but so far the lives of those who still dreams inhuman torture her.