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她出演双百年女郎时她父亲来观看过一次。Her father came to watch her once as Miss Bicentennial.

1932年举行了乔治。华盛顿诞辰两百周年的庆典。The bicentennial of George Washington's birth was celebrated in 1932.

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二百周年庆典以5月14日在威廉斯堡罗莉旅舍举行的烤面包晚宴结束。The Bicentennial celebration concluded on May 14 with a dinner and toast at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg.

就在去年秋天,世界上还有一些活动,庆祝达尔顿科学成就,的二百年纪念日。Just last fall there were some events in the world celebrating the bicentennial of Dalton's scientific achievements.

一个模型走在阿根廷的拜森泰尼亚尔历史和时装展示布宜诺斯艾利斯5月6日2010年时装表演。A model walks the catwalk during the Argentina's Bicentennial History and Fashion show in Buenos Aires on May 6, 2010.

1932年,为了纪念华盛顿诞辰二百周年,道格拉斯.麦克阿瑟将军带头,恢复了这种奖章。In 1932, to mark the bicentennial of Washington's birth, Gen. Douglas MacArthur spearheaded an effort to revive the medal.

即使是1989年法国大革命两百周年纪念之时,也不曾有过如此大规模的纪念活动。We've never had such an outpouring of reminiscences, not even in 1989, when the bicentennial of the French Revolution was celebrated.

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即使是1989年法国大革命两百周年纪念之时,也不曾有过如此大规模的纪念活动。We’ve never had such an outpouring of reminiscences, not even in 1989, when the bicentennial of the French Revolution was celebrated.

表演者身着200周年游行5月25日2010年阿根廷的人权组织去五月广场母亲促进成员。Performers dressed as Members of Argentina's human rights organization Madres de Plaza de Mayo in a bicentennial parade on May 25, 2010.

詹姆斯敦两百年纪念日1807年5月13-15日据说是举行了一场有尊严的庆祝活动,俗称大国民周年。The bicentennial of Jamestown on May 13–15, 1807 is said to have been a dignified celebration, commonly called the Grand National Jubilee.

去年,为了纪念林肯诞辰200周年,美国图书馆创作了描述林肯作品的一流选集。In honor of the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth last year, the Library of America produced a first-rate anthology of writings about Lincoln.

弗雷德里克?肖邦是波兰人最喜欢的本国人,其诞辰二百周年纪念即将到来,为期一年的庆祝活动正在有序的筹备中。Plans are well under way for a year of celebrations to mark the upcoming bicentennial of one of Poland's favorite native sons-Frédéric, Chopin.

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但他的书却给那些对“波利瓦拉主义”过于异想天开的描述提供了一个修正,这也是这场持续两百年的盛宴中很值得期待的事情。But his book will provide a valuable corrective to the more fanciful outpourings of Bolivarianism which can be expected in the bicentennial junketing.

明年是这部著作出版150周年,同时也是达尔文诞生200周年,二百周年纪念将比1858年的事件更加引人注目。And it is the sesquicentennial of the book next year, along with the bicentennial of Darwin's birth, which will be more widely marked than the 1858 event.

明年就是这本书诞生150周年纪念,也是达尔文诞生200周年纪念,比起1858这件事都显得更广为人知。And it is the sesquicentennial of the book next year, along with the bicentennial of Darwin 's birth, which will be more widely marked than the 1858 event.

这就是林肯对这个国家的影响,根据林肯两百年纪念委员会估计,自1865年起,描写林肯的书多达16000本。Such is Lincoln's grip on the country that the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission estimates that 16, 000 books have been written about him since 1865.

1976年6月19日,我们出发去西部旅行,当时数百万美国家庭正准备拥向东部两百年大庆的圣地。We began our trip out West on June 19, 1976, a time when millions of other American families were preparing to crowd into the Bicentennial shrines of the East.

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卡达瓦尔解释说,推出墨西哥项目的动力是同时纪念国家独立两百周年和100年前的革命。Cadaval explained that the impetus for the México program was the dual celebration of that country’s bicentennial of independence, and its revolution 100 years ago.

墨西哥下周就要庆祝两百周年了,而那里的贩毒团伙正遇上政府以一世纪前国家革命以来未曾有过的规模镇压暴力行为。In Mexico, which marks its bicentennial next week, drug gangs have met a government crackdown with mayhem on a scale not seen since the country's revolution of a century ago.

如果真是这样,今年海地庆祝独立二百周年时,它所戴着的枷锁一定会轻些,少些。Haiti could have flourished and prospered, If that had been the case, this year Haiti would be celebrating the bicentennial of its independence with fewer and lighter shackles.