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他是个令人赞赏的主人。He does the host admirably.

他世界语讲得极好。He speaks Esperanto admirably.

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她面色红润,身体健康,着实可爱。She was admirably rosy and healthy.

那故事可改编成很好的戏。The story would dramatize admirably.

一个粗壮的中队的8-10维京人能胜任这份工作,你为。One stout squadron of 8-10 Vikings can do this job admirably for you.

他成功保护了后防线,带领他的球队取得了历史性的胜利。He protected the back-four admirably and led his team to an historic victory.

这个球会经理还在持续探索著,但他的战略仍然是令人钦佩地长远。The manager is continuing his search but his strategy remains admirably long-term.

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在我看来,该书的成功之处在于,它满足了不同读者的需要。In my view, the book succeeds admirably in satisfying all of these audience segments.

接过队长和点球操刀手披风的他很好的扮演了这两种角色。Taking over the mantle of captain and penalty taker he has performed admirably in both roles.

帕金斯说如果他错失了总决赛第七战他将遗憾终身,希望自己的队友能够三军用命填补自己的缺阵。Perkins says he's devastated to miss the game, but expects his teammates to fill in admirably.

至少有一个政党是被赋予重望的,它现实且极具无宗教派系的世界观。At least one alliance that is predicted to do well has a secular and admirably non-sectarian outlook.

殷勤,友善,非常精干,并能说流利的法语,他对他的任务确能胜任愉快。Affable, friendly, exceedingly shrewd, and speaking French capably, he was admirably suited for his task.

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“ICEF十五所学校中的绝大多数,在作为学院机构来讲都获得了大大的成功。”赫德那特说。"The vast majority of ICEF's 15 schools are succeeding admirably as academic institutions, " Hudnut said.

他可以协助对抗大傢伙或猎杀重要的辅助单位且他可以胜任愉快。He can help against the big boys or hunt downimportant support pieces, and he should fill either role admirably.

航空工程师、Scaled联合公司总裁伯特·鲁坦说,飞机和飞行员的表现都极为出色,令人赞叹。Burt Rutan, aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites, said the plane, and the pilot, performed admirably.

然而,福特年老时变得有些疯狂而且反犹太人,与之不同的是,47岁的李先生状态稳定,令人钦佩。Unlike Ford, however, who grew cranky and anti-Semitic as he aged, the 47-year-old Mr Li seems admirably grounded.

但福斯托波成功令人钦佩摆事实,人物,事件和有秩序,可口的时尚影响。But Fausto succeeds admirably in presenting facts, figures, events and influences in an orderly, palatable fashion.

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他批评了美国,并且强调俄罗斯拥有高额的外汇储备,完全有能力应对当前的危机。He had a go at America and insisted that Russia was coping admirably with the crisis, thanks to its large reserves.

他建立了产品控制标准资料,并为财会部建立了一套标准成本分析系统。He displayed admirably in establishing standard data, and a standard cost analysis system for our accounting department.

我只能赞许地看着你的眼睛,看着你靠着的那棵枝叶婆娑的树。I could only looking into your eyes admirably and the tree you were leaning against was in a mass of branches and leaves.