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使用路边报到服务。Use Curbside Check-In.

最常见的是一个大字信箱里。The most common is a curbside mailbox.

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请不要站在道路的人行道旁。Do not stand on the curbside of the road.

你应该让那位客人坐在靠近路边的那一侧。You position yourself so the guest is seated curbside.

你让客户坐在靠路边的那一侧。You position yourself so the client is seated curbside.

我们在路边分手,没有太多感伤的情节也没有流泪。We parted at curbside , without too much soppy stuff and no tears.

用这点小本钱,我可以在士林摆个小吃摊。With this minimal capital, I can run a small curbside food stand in Shihlin area.

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一旦产品已经一去不复返了,消费者可以把空瓶子在路边的回收垃圾箱。Once the product is gone, consumers can place the empty bottle in a curbside -recycling bin.

PET是最可回收的塑料和被接受的路边回收项目。PET is among the most recyclable of plastics and is accepted in curbside recycling programs.

美国饮料协会主席苏珊,尼利表示,路边的程序能更好地进行工作。Susan Neely, president of the American Beverage Association, says curbside programs work better.

他们也带进去了一大推无法甩开的经济包袱。They also bring into their relationships a full trunk of financial baggage that can't be kicked curbside.

这家带路边停车场的露天购物中心是总部设在印第安纳波利斯的西蒙公司开设的第一家此类购物中心。The open-air shopping center with curbside parking was the first of this kind for the Indianapolis-based Simon Co.

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克莉斯蒂·坎宁安说她和山姆·惠特菲尔德希望“路边纸杯蛋糕”能在华盛顿地区发展并扩展到周边地区去。Kristi Cunningham says she and Sam Whitfield hope to expand Curbside Cupcakes within Washington and to surrounding areas.

MegaBus公司和其他新线路的巴士公司不同,他们特意避开这些站点,选择从商业中心地段的路边出发。But BoltBus, MegaBus and other new lines typically avoid those stations and depart from central curbside locations instead.

他们仔细地支持他们的大自行车到路边的空间,好像他们从来没有支持他们的自行车到遏制前。They were carefully backing their big bikes into a curbside space, as if they had never backed their bikes to a curb before.

利乐公司的目标是增加路边有无菌纸盒来自全国18至27万户,到2012年。Tetra Pak's goal is to increase curbside availability of aseptic cartons nationwide from 18 to 27 million households by 2012.

考尔建议人们,尽量要靠近建筑物行走,因为在那里接触到的污染物质会比靠近路边人行道接触的污染物少将近10%。Kaur suggests staying closer to the buildings, where you'll be exposed to approximately 10 percent less pollution than curbside.

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一群有著最好的身板的模特,本著将就的精神,在停靠在21号大街路边的货物集装箱里换衣服。There was a passel of top-shelf models who, in a spirit of making do, changed clothes in freight containers parked curbside on 21st Street.

图片是在夜晚交通高峰期,车辆照射出的灯光条纹的定时曝光,同时抓拍了在路边等待游客的马车。Cars at evening rush hour create streaks of light in this time exposure, which also captures horse-drawn carriages waiting at curbside for tourists.

还有一件事。当克莉斯蒂和山姆成为生意伙伴的时候,他们成为了朋友。自从他们经营“路边纸杯蛋糕”以来,他们就一直决定要结婚。One more thing. Kristi and Sam were friends when they became business partners. Now, since opening Curbside Cupcakes, they have decided to get married.