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有肠易激综合症?Have irritable bowel syndrome?

你感觉焦躁不安或急躁。You feel restless or irritable.

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但我太累了,也太暴躁,才懒得管呢!But I'm too tired and irritable to care.

他得了牙痛就变得心浮气燥。He gets irritable when he's got toothache.

他们说她患有肠道激惹综合征。They said she had irritable bowel syndrome.

您可能会烦燥或含泪的所有时间。You may be irritable or tearful all the time.

这是非常扰民,使我非常烦躁。It's very bothersome and makes me very irritable.

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本周你的伴侣会有些急躁。Your partner may be somewhat irritable this week.

你总是神经紧绷、不安和急躁吗?Are you tense, nervous and irritable all the time?

你觉得抑郁、不安、急躁和爱激动吗?。Do you feel depressed, nervous, edgy, and irritable?

杰勒德不再头晕,但非常烦躁。Gerard was no longer lightheaded, but very irritable.

缺乏睡眠结果会使你第二天易怒。That sleeploss, in turn, makes you irritable the next day.

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如果我们没有足够的睡眠,我们经常感到疲倦和烦躁。If we don't sleep enough, we often feel tired and irritable.

但是人们脾气更暴躁,更容易发怒。but people are shorter-tempered, but just seem more irritable

燕麦可以帮助你缓解急躁和胡思乱想的情绪。Oatmeal may help if you find yourself feeling irritable and cranky.

我们都是工作狂,疲惫不堪的时候脾气越发暴躁。We were both workaholics who got more irritable when we were exhausted.

吸烟还易使婴儿过敏,并可能会增加婴儿患疝气的风险。Smoking also makes babies irritable and may increase babies' risk of colic.

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当他回到家时,他总是很累,这常常使他脾气不好,爱生气。When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable.

凯瑟琳,起初满足了,不久就变得暴躁不安。Catherine, contented at first, in a brief space grew irritable and restless.

糖能提供一时的能量,然后就让你感到疲倦和急躁。Sugar gives a temporary rush of energy, then leaves you tired and irritable.