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我并不崇拜那个影星。I am not a worshiper of that film star.

他常去那个教堂做礼拜。He is a regular worshiper at that church.

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我厌倦了别人叫我一个魔鬼信仰者。I'm tired of people calling me a devil worshiper.

最后,他们把但以理这一个忠心敬拜「自有永有」神的信徒召来。Finally they brought in a diehard worshiper of I am named Daniel.

敬拜是生命中最重要的事,我们怎样可以成为一个更懂敬拜的人呢?。Worship a matter of life breath. How can we become better worshiper ?

他拒绝承认自己崇拜魔鬼,公开表明了自己的信仰的力量。He refused to admit he was a devil worshiper and professed the strength of his faith.

走到他面前,问他今天运气怎么样,你会发现他也崇拜着某些无形的东西。Go to him, ask what luck, and you will learn that he too is a worshiper of the unseen.

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这种佛牌对收藏家来说“可能”有一些价值,但是对供奉者来说没有任何价值。This kind of amulet "PERHAPS" still has the value for the collector but have no value to the worshiper.

在教皇本笃十六世到访葡萄牙法蒂玛神殿前,一名礼拜者在祈祷时用双膝走路。A worshiper prays as she walks on her knees before Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Fatima's Sanctuary in Portugal.

时髦元素地单一很主要地表示为印度人地崇洋媚外心理很有限。Fashion element is very important to the performance of a single Indian worshiper of foreign things for the mental is limited.

来自天主教会祈祷朱家角天主教崇拜者期间在上海,中国郊外的圣诞节前夕弥撒2009年12月24日。A Catholic worshiper from Zhujiajiao Catholic Church prays during a Christmas eve mass on the outskirts of Shanghai, China on December 24, 2009.

这种假牌对收藏家来说没有任何价值,但是对于供奉者来说,假牌却有非常大的可能去吸收负向能量从而带霉运给恭请者。This kind of amulet has no value to collector and may harmful to worshiper as it has VERY HIGH potential to absorb negative energy to cause wearer experiencing bad luck.

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这种再制作的佛牌对收藏家来说“可能”有一些价值,但是对供奉者来说,没有任何价值,甚至有更大的可能去吸收负向能量,并伤害到佩戴者。This kind of amulet "PERHAPS" still has the value for the collector but have no value to the worshiper. It has HIGHER potential to absorb negative energy and may harmful to wearer.