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球童是球员击球的良师益友。Caddie is your "golfing friend".

我给你当球僮好吗?Would you like me to caddie for you?

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我叫朱莉,今天我是你的球童。My name is Julie, I'm your caddie today.

你可以从你的球童那里换一根杆。You can exchange a club from yur caddie.

你可以从你的球童那里换一根杆。You can exchange a club from your caddie.

你可以从你的球童那儿换一根球棒。You can exchange a club from your caddie.

这个人可以被认为是球童。The individual is considered to be a caddie.

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这是你的球童费,谢谢你优质的服务。It is your caddie fee, thanks for your excellent service!

一名正准备推杆的球员让他的球童照料旗杆。A player preparing to putt asks his caddie to attend the flagstick.

我拿起澡巾,开始轻轻地擦我的脚。I take the washcloth from the shower caddie and gently scrub my feet.

请问这样是允许的吗,这个人可以被认为是球童吗?Is this permissible, and is the individual considered to be a caddie?

伍兹预计要和新杆弟拜伦贝尔一同出赛。Woods was scheduled to start the tournament with a new caddie Byron Bell.

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击球结束后,应向杆弟确认球杆数是否正确。After finish driving, player should confirm with caddie about club numbers.

这名球员或球童都没有意识到球童所处的位置不当。Neither the player nor the caddie was aware that the caddie was so positioned.

你知道做一个高尔夫球童就可以免费上大学吗?Did you know that you could get a free ride to college for being a golf caddie?

当A的球击打到B的球包时,球童没有带着B的球包是不相关的。It is irrelevant that the caddie was not carrying Bs bag at the time As ball struck it.

球童在果岭的边缘看到另一名球员在下一洞发球台发球。The caddie was on the edge of the green watching another player drive from the next tee.

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下场后请及时、良好与球僮沟通,以便球僮更好的提高服务。After leaving the course, please communicate with the golf caddie in time for better service.

球员可由球童进行辅助,但他一次仅可使用一名球童。The player may be assisted by a caddie, but he is limited to only one caddie at any one time.

在这种情况下,由于球车驾驶员负责运输球员的球杆,所以他也是球童。In such a case, the cart driver, since he is transporting the players clubs, is also a caddie.