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作为一种政府的手段,阻挠议事的行动非常难以理解。The filibuster is an incomprehensible device of government.

他们仅威胁说要发动抗争直到参议院休会。They simply threatened to filibuster until the Senate adjourns.

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这需要三名参议员宣布辩论和冗长演说的结束。It takes three feets of senator end that debate and end the filibuster.

那些威胁要阻扰提案的共和党以68对31的结果失败。Republicans who'd threatened to filibuster the motion were defeated by 68 votes to 31.

长久以来的惯例是,共和党人有阻挠议案通过的权利。Republicans have the right to filibuster under centuries-old rules that this page has long defended.

医保延长收益规定,关乎250万失业美国民众的切身利益,却数周耽搁在了大老党的阻挠议事上不得通过。Extension of benefits to 2.5 million unemployed Americans were held up for weeks by a GOP filibuster.

上周参议院关于金融改革的程序投票最后只不过是一场共和党人的喋喋不休的陈辞而已。The procedural vote in the Senate last week on financial reform did more than end a Republican filibuster.

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目前还需要再有一名共和党人支持,Reid才能获得通过议案所需的60张选票并展开讨论。It would take just one Republican to give Mr. Reid the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster and open debate.

处理这项提案的参议员罗伯特.伯德态度明确,他说如果我们不屈服,就可以打破议事阻挠手段。Senator Robert Byrd, who was handling the proposal, was adamant that if we didn’t bend, we could break the filibuster.

在大部分的十九世纪中,参议院的多数党没有任何方法可以“终结一个辩论”—也就是终止对手以不停发言来阻扰法案的手段并对法案作强制表决。For most of the 19th century the majority in the Senate had no way to move to "cloture"—ie, end a filibuster and force a vote.

她最近曾暗示会阻止针对石油天然气行业的立法,以避免其在此次漏油事件中承担更多责任。She recently threatened a filibuster to kill legislation that would have increased industry liability in the event of a spill.

然而这一呼唤的反应却是议事的阻扰和,如我同事詹姆斯·法洛斯巧妙地指出的,媒体“假均等”的谎言。The response is the filibuster and, as my colleague James Fallows has so aptly pointed out, the media myth of "false equivalence.

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但大多数时候,参议院的共和党领导层却选择了妨碍和阻挠经济复苏进程。But too often, the Republican leadership in the United States Senate chooses to filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress.

或者你会碰到一些人对着你吹嘘30分钟,说一些你不明白的东西——这里来一个行话,那里来一句时髦话的。Or you have some that will just filibuster you for 30 minutes with stuff you just don’t understand — this buzzword, that buzzword.

特别是在联邦政府层面上,增税并不需要三分之二的多数通过,有些情况下可以绕过这样的阻扰。In particular, tax increases at the federal level don't require a two-thirds majority, and can in some cases bypass the filibuster.

比如说,在整个联邦层面上,增税就不需要得到二分之三的同意,在一些特殊情况甚至可以忽略阻碍。In particular, tax increases at the federal level don’t require a two-thirds majority, and can in some cases bypass the filibuster.

这次历时13小时的辩论也叫阻饶议事,推迟了就奥巴马总统选择中情局的投票。The 13-hour talk, called a filibuster 4, delayed a vote on President Obama's choice for director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

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当然,当共和党在2005年首次提出那问题的时候,论战并不急于废除冗长的政治演说陋习,不过这是后话。Of course, these pages were less eager to abolish the filibuster when the idea was floated by the Republicans in 2005, but put that aside.

昔日的奥巴马承诺他将阻挠给予在监视恐怖分子行动中与政府合作的电信公司司法豁免权的议案。The old Obama pledged to filibuster a bill giving legal immunity to telecoms companies that co-operated with the government on terrorist surveillance.

在100名参议员组成的参议院,要像在众议院那样,化解共和党人阻碍议案通过的威胁,民主党需要获得60张选票的支持。The Democrats lack the 60 votes that would enable them to overcome any threat of a Republican filibuster in the 100-member Senate as they did in the House.