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汽车尾气像吸血鬼残害我们生命。Life's "bloodsucker" to the truth.

这又是一部关于吸血鬼的电影。This is another movie about bloodsucker.

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他是个唯利是图的人,会设法从你身上拿走每一分钱。He's a real bloodsucker and will take every penny you've got.

我懂了!我会报警逮捕你这个高利贷。I'll report you to the police and have you busted, bloodsucker.

我懂了!我会报警逮捕你这个高利贷。I see! I'll report you to the police and have you busted, bloodsucker.

吸血蝙蝠爱上了人类,爱情与悲剧便也同时开始了。But it happened that a bloodsucker boy fall in love with a human being girl. Then, tragedy happened.

综合上述种种原因,这个古怪的“吸血鬼”登上了2010年最为奇特的新发现物种排行榜。For these reasons and more, the bizarre bloodsucker is an editors' pick for one of the oddest new species of 2010.

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被别人需要会让你觉得很受用,这是真的,当然,当其他朋友因为太忙而不能陪你时,寄生者可能会站在你身边。True, it can be flattering to be needed, and of course, the Bloodsucker may be there for you when other friends are too busy for you.

人类的数量越来越少,吸血鬼必须研究出血液的替代品,否则将面临更加恐怖的变异。Human amount is less and less, bloodsucker must excogitate haemal substitute, will be faced with otherwise more bloodcurdling mutates.

此时一个名为艾尔弗里德的吸血鬼少女以及吸血鬼伯爵金凯尔出现了,要把叶月带回城堡。Right now a bloodsucker girl that the name is Aierfulide and Er of bloodsucker count Jin Kai appeared, want a Xie Yue to bring back the castle.

他一出言就一直在赢,每个星期天晚上在廉租拉斯维加斯赌场,吸血鬼开始来到他身边。His character is in all the time win, las Vegas is hired in cheap in the evening every Sunday gambling house, bloodsucker begins to come to the side of him.

BLADE带着母亲留下的银色小刀,开始向身居世界黑暗之中的吸血鬼们展开报复。BLADE is carrying the argent small sword that the mother leaves, begin to reside the bloodsucker in world darkness to the body people spread out retaliation.

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从停尸间再次醒来的萨蒂惊异于自己的死而复生,但不久她便发现,她已变成了嗜血如命的吸血鬼。Him marvel of Sa the base of a fruit that awakes again from mortuary rise again, but before long she discovers, she already became bloodsucking the bloodsucker that is like a life.