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一些人还种上了向日葵,平淡的但给人以戏剧般的梦幻效果。Some people have planted sunflowers, for a folksy but dramatic effect.

这些讨论的无拘束的形式可能会使一些读者反感。Some readers might be put off by the folksy style of these discussions.

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对于传染疾病而言,这句格言可就不仅仅是一句民间习语了。That's more than a folksy aphorism when it comes to infectious diseases.

如今事实野证明他的论断是正确的,这远不止一个将军的智慧。And now it turns out that his statement was more than just a folksy quip.

由于她的民谣曲风和充满活力的态度,没有人想到她能走这么远。With her folksy voice and hyper-cheerful demeanor, she wasn't expected to last long.

当科恩平静地给华尔街巨头们做演讲时,你能感受到他身上来自西弗吉尼亚故乡的乡土味。And he can summon his folksy West Virginia roots when quietly lecturing Wall Street's titans.

罗马尼亚,普特纳,一位大号手和他的乐队在为当地的一场婚礼演奏风俗音乐大图。A sousaphone player and his bandmates add a folksy note to a wedding celebration in Putna, Romania.

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数百万的人们通过具有民间气息的商业电视节目认识了他,这些电视节目是为其发明的特色爆米花而制作的。Millions came to know him through his folksy television commercials for the specialty popcorn he invented.

不过多年以来,和他的市场知识一样为人称道的,还有他的连珠妙语。But over the years, along with his market knowledge, Buffett has also come to be known for his folksy one-liners.

她用丝绸般柔滑的嗓音哼著民谣式的独立流行风曲子,连善变挑剔的听众都被她慑服。By far the best act in the lineup, her folksy indie pop style and silky voice drew the attention of a usually fickle MIDEM audience.

我们都非常喜欢民谚,目前的最佳实践中的许多理念都源自它们,同样,我们也都非常喜欢英语民谣。We both share a love of folksy wisdom from whence many of our current best practices are derived, as well as a love of English Folk music.

以巴菲特轻松的话来说就是,在烤饼还没有上来前,大家喝着咖啡就在餐厅里把交易谈成了。In his folksy way, Mr. Buffett describes these deals as though they were struck over coffee at the local diner before the flapjacks arrived.

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其次看看各种线材有没有破损,因为发动机舱里基本上都是金属材质的部件,线材的破损处碰到金属也很容易产生电火花。Then see all kinds of wire is damaged, because basically is the engine parts, metal material into the metal rod folksy is also very easy to produce edm.

总的来说,我觉得我在说明细节和提出论据方面表现最好,但佩罗显得更和蔼可亲和轻松自然。I thought that, on balance, I gave the best answers in terms of specifics and arguments, but that Perot did better in presenting himself as folksy and relaxed.

再一次地,我们能从中看见民间的逻辑,但把有工作的人和没有工作的人的区别比喻成一个勤奋的儿子和一个懒惰的儿子完全是荒谬的。Again, we can see the folksy logic here, but this idea that the difference between the jobbed and the jobless is like a lazy son and an industrious one is downright absurd.

他是唯一一位舍弃名位、决然遁去的达赖喇嘛,他用通俗化的诗歌抒发了内心感情和对宗教清规戒律的反抗。He was the only Dalai Lama ever to choose to give up his monastic vows. Poems became his voice to resist religious routines and to express his inner feelings in a folksy flavor.

更美妙的是还有餐间风情表演,一排男歌手突然爆发出无伴奏合唱,然后是手风琴独奏,表演者演奏了一首甜美而忧伤的乐曲。There was even a wonderful folksy interlude mid-meal, when a group of men in the queue burst into an a cappella song, and then gave the stage to an accordionist, who played a sweet, sad melody.