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现在我们的书店可以说是有史以来最好的。We now have arguably the best bookshops ever.

阿德里安泽乔可以说是世界顶级酒店业。Adrian Zecha is arguably the top hotelier in the world.

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民族主义被认为是建构国家不可或缺的。Nationalism is arguably indispensable to state-building.

我们无可争辩地需要进行一次遵法的运动。We arguably needs a campaign to promote respect for law.

web可以说是有史以来最具可发现性的媒介。The web is arguably the most discoverable medium ever created.

更加美味而且更有营养。It's often tastier and arguably a bit more nutritious. Here's why

可以说,九月是浏览西西里的最美好月份。September is arguably the loveliest month of the year to visit Sicily.

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最终,这位世界上最好的中锋在场上几乎无法站稳。By the end arguably the world's best centre-forward could hardly stand.

大雄蜂无人机被认为是在打击恐怖时期是最受争议的武器。Drones are arguably the most controversial weapon in the war on terror.

不过,就长期而言,用户所花的钱带来的回报反而减少了。In the long run however, your money arguably gets you less of a return.

骑自行车上学比轮滑安全,而且项很好的全身运动。Biking is arguably safer than rollerblading and great all-body exercise.

某种意义上说,英国也是世界最大的个人避税天堂。Britain is arguably one of the biggest personal-tax havens in the world.

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干细胞可以说是医学领域最激动人心的前沿了。Stem cells are arguably the most exciting frontier in medicine right now.

正像我们发现的那样,它们已经进化出了这个世界上见过的最有古怪的形状。They've evolved arguably some of the wackiest designs the world has seen.

恐怕这这个传统的开始要归咎于一个有魄力的大公身上。Blame it on one enterprising archduke, who arguably started the tradition.

马云或许可以说是中国最知名、最最成功的企业家。Jack Ma is arguably China's most famous -- and successful -- entrepreneur.

然而,如今却是比以往任何时候创业风险都要小的年代。And yet it's arguably less risky to create a business now than ever before.

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万事具备,可是你的网站却无法接受付款。Direct advertising sales is arguably the best method to monetize a website.

仿膳,可以说是最具诱惑力也最受欢迎的“假冒”产品了。Fangshan, and arguably the most allure is the most popular "fake" products.

在所有的婚礼习俗中,扔花束是最引起争议的一种了。Of all wedding customs, the bouquet toss is arguably the most controversial.