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一个主管模样的人出现在门口。A matronly head appeared around a door.

她那主妇的声名任凭所有的人践踏在脚下。Her matronly fame was trodden under all men's feet.

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别穿这件主妇似的衣服,不适合你。Don't wear this matronly dress. It is not suitable for you.

在此后的一些角色里,她的形象逐渐温和,但依然夺人眼球。She turned somewhat matronly in her later roles, but was still easy on the eyes.

研究显示,大号文胸的消费者已经不再满足于普通样式。Women with large cup sizes are no longer restricted to matronly bras, the research found.

在他那间小小的、到处扔着烟头的酒店房间里,床头上方挂着他自己和这位耐心的艾滋病工作者的照片。Above the bed in his tiny, cigarette-strewn hotel room hangs a framed photo of him and the matronly AIDS worker.

玛丽是个金头发白皮肤的年轻妇女,主妇模样,正在后面一间小屋里洗碟子。Mary, a matronly young blonde, was washing dishes in the little back room that served for kitchen and dining room.

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之后,曙光渐明,老汉们会匆忙爬起身,穿上法兰绒长袍,主妇们则顾不上脱下她们的睡衣。Then- the morning light still waxing stronger- old patriarchs would rise up in great haste, each in his flannel gown, and matronly dames, without pausing to put off their night-gear.

大姐玛格丽特像母亲一样威严,大概是因为她太早地承担了母亲和家庭主妇的责任,母亲在她们年幼时就去世了。Her older sister, Margaret, was matronly and dignified, probably from having assumed matronly and housewifely responsibilities too early in life, their mother having died when they were quite young.

早上,当我从房间里向外窥视并看到那位仪态庄重的法国夫人身穿紫色丝绸晨衣,象首领站立在桥头一般环视着晨色,我便在她看到我之前迅速地抽回身来。When I peep out of my room in the morning and see the matronly french lady in a purple silk wrapper standing like the captain on the bridge surveying the morning I pop in again before she can see me.