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我洗了个澡然后哭了,”博伊德说。I took a bath and just cried, " said Boyd.

是呀,他办得到,不过那要花博伊德许多时间。Yes, he can do it, but it takes Boyd time.

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比利·博伊德拍摄时总忍不住笑。Billy Boyd was "in stitches" during the shoot.

说不定博伊德已经把她的火气平息下来了。Maybe Boyd will have smoothed her down by now.

“射杀博伊德。泰尔福德可是铸成了大错,”派克说道。"Big mistake him shooting Boyd Telford, " Pike was saying.

你想我的爆肚得卖多少钱啊?Do you think I burst Boyd said the number sold in the stomach?

约翰逊任命艾伦博伊德为第一人交通部长。Johnson appointed Alan S . Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary.

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博伊德·伊顿的文章就涉及了这点Now the paper that was in the readings by Boyd Eaton talked about this.

国际扶轮社长白义德祝贺巴拿马扶轮青年服务团〝带头前进〞。RI President Boyd salutes the Rotaract Club of Panama for Leading the Way.

白义德也承认保持扶轮阵容继续壮大的挑战。Boyd also acknowledged the challenges of keeping Rotary's ranks going strong.

19世纪中叶的富兰克林远征充分体现了这个理念,博伊德说。The Franklin Expedition in the mid-1800s exemplifies this concept well, Boyd says.

又高大又健康,没有一个带病或矮小的,尽管博伊德只有五英尺十英寸高。Big and healthy and not a sickly one or a runt among them, though Boyd is only five feet ten.

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博伊德写到,当格林伯格5岁时,他的父亲,一位出租汽车司机,被人谋杀了。Mr. Boyd ­reports that Mr. Greenberg was just 5 years old when his father, a cab driver, was killed.

该组织还帮助拓展了南佛罗里达州博伊德•安德森中学的法语课程。The organization has also helped expand French classes at Boyd Anderson High School in South Florida.

协会安全部经理博伊德*斯蒂芬坦言道,“这才是正确的开始。”“It’s a step in the right direction, ” said Boyd Stephenson, the group’s manager of safety operations.

今天一早,趁她还来不及抓住我们,我们便溜了出来,只留下博伊德一个人去对付她。So we went to bed, and this morning we got away before she could catch us. and left Boyd to handle her.

"纳博科夫觉得发现新事物的感动是生活能带来的至高之物之一,"Boyd说。"Nabokov felt that the thrill of discovery was one of the highest things life had to offer," Boyd says.

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"纳博科夫觉得发现新事物的感动是生活能带来的至高之物之一,"Boyd说。"Nabokov felt that the thrill of discovery was one of the highest things life had to offer, " Boyd says.

国际扶轮社长白义德以一个令人惊叹的故事来介绍一位土耳其识字教师。RI President William B. Boyd introduces Emine Yuzay, a Turkish literacy instructor with an amazing story.

在此,他与奥利维亚·博伊德讨论了怒江大坝建设被叫停一事,以及云南的经验教训。Here, he talks to Olivia Boyd about the dam-building freeze on the Nu River and other lessons from Yunnan.