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我比乔丹高。I'm tailer than Jordan.

我是麦可乔登的球迷。I´m a Michael Jordan fan.

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我们一起过了约旦河。We crossed the Jordan River.

他会是下一个迈克尔•乔丹嘛?Is he the next Michael Jordan?

篮球“飞人”乔丹诞辰。The flying Michael Jordan was born.

于是众民过约旦河,王也过去。And all the people went over Jordan.

赛伊乔丹关掉了报警喇叭。Cy jordan silenced the warning horn.

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于是乃缦去了约旦河。Then Naaman went to the Jordan River.

他们儿子约旦也刚刚攀登机译。Their son Jordan also just climbed Mt.

他猖喜好迈克·乔丹。He's crarizonay close to Michael Jordan.

投篮不中并不能阻挡迈克尔·乔丹前进的脚步。A missed shot didn't stop Michael Jordan.

往前走并提示Jordan给你一个int数。So go ahead and prompt Jordan for an int.

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想看迈克尔·乔丹,这就是他。You wanna see Michael Jordan. There he is.

特拉维夫东侧是约旦的安曼。To the east of Tel-Aviv lies Amman, Jordan.

你看到麦可乔登?真酷。You saw Michael Jordan? That's really cool.

麦可.乔登是著名的篮球选手。Michael Jordan is a famous basketball player.

我是你的好朋友兼队友德安德烈·乔丹啊。Your good friend and teammate DeAndre Jordan.

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至少,乔丹就是这样炼成的。At least that's what works for Michael Jordan.

炎热和空气明确约旦空军一号系列!Hot clear air force one and air jordan series!

最接近的交集是阿拉珀霍和约旦。The closest intersection is Arapahoe & Jordan.