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我做事非常热心。I approach things very enthusiastically.

和观众热烈响应。And, audiences responded enthusiastically.

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观众热烈鼓掌。The audience was applauding enthusiastically.

女人花开为底浓?Women flowers to whom so enthusiastically to?

西蒙欣然同意了我的提议。Simon enthusiastically agreed to my suggestion.

媒体开始狂热地吹捧他。The press began to lionize him enthusiastically.

在座的有些学生充满激情的点着头。The students in the crowd nodded enthusiastically.

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乔像一个大学新生一样,热衷于每一次讲座。Joe went enthusiastically to every lecture like a fresher.

我与他兴致勃勃地聊着他们未来的长征之路。I chatted with him enthusiastically march their future path.

戏演完时观众热烈鼓掌。The audience clapped enthusiastically at the end of the play.

爱你的工作就是充满热情地干好它。To love your work is to do it passionately and enthusiastically.

众武士和太监齐声喝采。All the wrestlers and eunuchs present applauded enthusiastically.

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胡锦涛讲话结束后,全场热烈鼓掌。The audience applauded enthusiastically after he ended the speech.

他对于任何人都不能热心地、公然地爱。He could not care for any one enthusiastically and demonstratively.

昨天,我们讨论了工作应该充满激情。Yesterday we discussed that you should start working enthusiastically.

为了激发年轻人对音乐的兴趣,她一直孜孜不倦、积极热情地工作。She worked indefatigably and enthusiastically to interest the young in music.

他们会充满热情和欢乐地投入工作,并迷倒身边所有的人。They will enthusiastically and cheerfully work, charming anybody around them.

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觉慧热心地参加了周报的工作,他经常在周报上发表文章。Chueh-hui enthusiastically took part. He wrote many articles for the magazine.

做好你的自我介绍,并切要瞄准适当的市场。Polish your presentations and deliver them enthusiastically to the right market.

几十个三四岁的儿童热情地围在一群游客身边。Dozens of three- and four-year-olds enthusiastically surround a group of visitors.