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这些电池能防止漏电吗?。Are these batteries leak-proof?

万炮齐发。All the batteries fired at once.

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带备用电池的手电筒。Flashlight with spare batteries.

记得带备用的电池。Remember to take extra batteries.

遥控器该换新电池了?Need new batteries for your remote?

带备用电池的便携收音机Portable radio with extra batteries

但是电瓶还是薄弱环节。But batteries remain the weak point.

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充电器需要数分钟检测电池满否。Can I leave batteries in the charger?

各种镍氢电池及铜网。All the nimh batteries and copper nets.

大多数的手电筒用两节电池。Most flashlights work on two batteries.

我刚才应该带块新电池...I should have just bought new batteries.

更安全、更持久的汽车电池Safer, Longer-Lasting Batteries for Cars

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这些电动剃须刀带有电池。The shavers come complete with batteries.

要注意,所有电池应装成串联。Be careful to install batteries in series.

计算机,我们带电池了吗,计算机?Computer, did we bring batteries?Computer?

好的,与泰姆联系,他有电池。Ok, check with Time, he has the batteries.

普通电池是电气化的细胞。Common batteries are electrochemical cells.

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这盏灯是由两块小电池供电的。The lamp is powered by two small batteries.

但并非所有的锂离子电池都是相同的。But not all lithium-ion batteries are alike.

我的电动剃须刀就用这些电池。My electric shaver works on these batteries.