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这简直是疯人院。This is a madhouse.

那里一如既往的疯狂。It was a madhouse as usual.

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不要一直说“这里是个精神病院”。”Don't keep saying'It's a madhouse.'

他们会把我关进疯人院。They would lock me away in a madhouse.

他被送入疯人院治疗。He was sent to the madhouse for treatment.

于是世界变成了一个疯人院。Therefore the whole world becomes a madhouse.

很容易明白他为什么在精神病院。It is easy to understand why he is in the madhouse.

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然而这个解释中却包含了精神病院要素。Yet there is an element of the madhouse in that explanation too.

他好似一个在疯人院里统治着一个想象王国的精神病人。He was like a lunatic reigning in a madhouse over an imaginary kingdom.

康城的街道,一星期前是疯人院,现在已变得陌生而安静。The streets of Cannes, a madhouse a week ago, have grown strangely quieter.

但是这个世界依然是个人人自我中心,尔虞我诈,充满争斗的精神病院。But the world was still a madhouse of I-wants and I-needs fighting one another.

我对这种疯人院似的做法很厌烦,根本不关心他们到底做了什么。I am so browned off with the whole madhouse I don’t really care much what happens.

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比尔接着说,“很遗憾我们没有了赎金,但是如果不这样,我比尔•德利斯科尔会被送进疯人院的。”I'm sorry we'll lose the ransom, but it was either that or Bill Driscoll to the madhouse.

个性极端的贝蒂在漫长的等待中失去了理智,在她弄瞎了自己的眼睛之后,被关进了疯人院。Betty extreme personality waiting in the long lost reason, in her own eyes blinded after being locked up in a madhouse.

你能身临其境地感受到,在精神病院式的创作和火烧屁股的灵感蹦发是什么滋味。You get a real sense of what it would have been like to be inside this madhouse of creativity and seat-of-the-pants improvisation.

他们认为只有一个地方适合我–他们想要把我送到圣约翰山上的疯人院。They thought there was only one place for me – they wanted to send me to an institution up on St. John's Hill, which was the madhouse.

我们没有任何细节可得知从何其最小的儿子于1672年受洗到他在1684年阿姆斯特丹的精神病院死为止。No detail is available from the moment the youngest of De Hooch's seven children was christened in 1672 until his death in an Amsterdam madhouse in 1684.

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同样被时光错过的意大利伟大诗人塔索,生前经历爱情失意与政治受挫的双重打击,在疯人院终其一生。The same time miss Italy great poet Tasso, living experience love and frustrated political frustration double blow, in the madhouse throughout their lives.

全剧结束时,包括给男孩治病的精神病医生在内的所有人都精神失常了,那些马倒是除了瞎了几只眼睛之外什么大问题。When the drama comes to its close, lunacy rages over all in the madhouse including the psychopathists giving treatment to the boy, except for those blind horses.