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第二是折射光线。The second is to refract light.

联邦政府工作人员通过他们自己的爱好折射价格。The feds refract prices through their own bent glass.

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解释为什么不同颜色以不同数量在棱镜内折射。Explain why different colours refract by differing amounts in the prism.

这类隐喻性动词不仅折射出隽永的寓意,而且创造出生动的形象。Such verbs not only refract pregnant implied meaning but also create vivid imagery.

艺术家要花4个小时来折射和反射光线,以画出每辆汽车的轮廓。It takes an artist 4 hours to refract and reflect light to paint the outlines of a car.

单轴晶体的有一个方向的,沿此方向不发生光的双折射。用于晶体。Having one direction along which double refract ion of light does not take place. Used of a crystal.

它推崇个性,擅长以非主流的手法表现艺术家的内心独白或者折射社会现实。It usual takes the unusual stream means to show the artist's emotions or refract the social reality.

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最明显的质量蛋白石是它能够折射和反映特定波长的光。The most striking quality of opal is its ability to refract and reflect specific wavelengths of light.

性,作为折射社会权力结构的一面镜子,被提升到政治、文化的高度。Sex, as a mirror to refract the social power structure, is promoted to the political and cultural level.

影响折射波的速度因素主要为孔隙度,孔隙中充填物及地层的埋躲深度。The influence factor to the refract rate have the degree of the crack, filling and geologic strata depth.

显然这些蝴蝶翅膀是由许多层的蛋白质,折射光线以不同的方式。Apparently these butterflies' wings are made of many layers of proteins that refract light in different ways.

如镜面般折射光线,巧妙隐藏脸部瑕疵,令肌肤在任何角度下都经得起严苛的审视,感受零瑕疵的征服力!Refract light as mirror, perfectly conceal blemish from any angle, and enjoy the force without blemish on face.

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任何建筑作品的成功,都无不折射着这庞大而丰富的建筑复合语言体系的奇光异彩。All architecture' s successes refract brillanee from the enormous and abundant compound sys-tem of architectural language.

光线照射干衣服时,光束射在纤维上,折射进去,然后又折射出来。When light illuminates dry cloth, a typical light beam will hit a fiber, refract into it, and then refract back out of it.

他的钢琴音乐作品在一定程度上可以折射出中国钢琴音乐创作的概貌和主要特色。His piano works can refract out the general situation and main features of Chinese piano music composition to a certain degree.

这些症状统称为屈光不正,因为它们能影响进入眼球的光线。Together these vision conditions are referred to as refractive errors because they affect how the eyes bend or "refract" light.

陈世德决定性的偶然经历折射出人生的不可知,他疯狂的人生挥霍体现出一种全部浸在荒谬之中的生活逻辑结果。Chen's fateful happenstance refract puzzle of the world, and his magic dissipate of his life just the logic result of absurdity.

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房屋表面用打蜡的粉饰灰泥完成,能够反射和折射光线,同时作为实用的因素。The surfaces have been finished in waxed stucco to reflect and refract light, which simultaneously serves as a practical factor.

质量是产品的生命,高质量的产品所折射的是企业对消费者负责任、讲诚信的重要体现。The quality is life of products, high grade products refract an enterprise's responsibility and manifest good faith to customers.

博客的访问者,甚至有一些世界观不同的人,能够通过这些镜头折射出他们的理解。And their audiences, even people who disagree with those world views, can refract their own understanding of the topics through those lenses.