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WSP的模板,谁可以指导我,因为我自己做。WSP templates who can guide me as I do it myself.

让我们从一开始把遭受战祸社会项目代码一个WAP之一。Let's start converting code from a WSP project to a WAP one.

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尽管WSP控股下调了募股价,但投资者并未因此趋之若鹜。Investors didn't flock to WSP even after it reduced its offering price.

甜质型玉米籽粒可以积累较多的糖,而且籽粒中WSP的含量明显高于其它类型玉米。The sugar and WSP content are higher in sweet corn grain than other types.

水溶性戊聚糖含量与籽粒提取液黏度呈极显著正相关。There was significantly positive correlation between WSP content and viscosity.

熟悉污水处理和供水市场,熟悉管道、生产厂家、相关设备供应商及相关合同等。Familiar with WWTP and WSP market including suppliers, manufacturers, related equipment, contracts etc.

通过清晰地描述如何开发与实施水安全计划,并且提供了实用的格式,这本期待已久的工具书回应了这种需求。This WSP manual answers this call by describing how to develop and implement a WSP in clear and practical terms.

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如果您注意到下面关于纵横钢缆充气包的图片,就会发现转角处没有钢缆,所以压力值无法提高。If you notice in the picture below of the Hoop Cabled Air Bag, the corners have no cables, and therefore the wsp cannot be raised.

与此同时,供水与卫生规划署正在就埃塞俄比亚全国卫生战略的制定与设施提供技术援助。At the same time, WSP is providing technical assistance on the design and implementation of a National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy.

水安全计划的开发与实施过程中的分步实施建议提供了11个学习模块,每个模块都是水安全计划中的一个关键步骤。Stepwise advice is provided through 11 learning modules, each representing a key step in the WSP development and implementation process.

WSP的核心优势来源于其独特的多专业、多文化和国际型的主设计师群和设计团队。The hardcore advantage of WSP comes from its multi-discipline, multicultural and multi-national group of principle designers and its staff team.

不同硬度类型小麦品种间水溶性和非水溶性戊聚糖含量存在显著差异,而总戊聚糖含量差异不显著。The difference of WSP and WIP contents in various hard wheat varieties was significant, but there was no significant difference observed in the TP between hard and soft wheat varieties.