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滞销书将于下周削价出售。The unsalable books are to be remaindered next week.

在空置住宅中,中高档以上的滞销严重。In vacant residential, high-grade, more unsalable serious.

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这些缺陷使得产品在此地市场很难销售。These faults make the goods quite unsalable in this market.

在空置房屋,中级或更严重滞销。In vacant houses, the middle-grade or more serious unsalable.

企业或滞销产品销售也将影响其利润。Enterprises or unsalable products are sold will also affect its profits.

福建市场对于相对滞销品,实际成交优惠多有存在。Fujian market relatively unsalable goods, actual contract concessions there.

然而,范围以外的个人物品和销售开始减缓或滞销。However, outside the range of individual items, and sales began to slow down or unsalable.

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基本面上,棉纱滞销使得棉纱价格再次大跌近300元。On the fundamentals, cotton yarn unsalable makes cotton prices again tumbled nearly 300 yuan.

有时候商品出现滞销,营业额不高,似乎已经处于一个瓶颈期。Sometimes there unsalable goods, turnover is not high, seems to have a bottleneck in the period.

虽然市场作为一个整体是热点,但一些质量较差的别墅仍然滞销。Although the market as a whole are hot, but some of the poor quality of the villa still unsalable.

公司出现产品滞销、存货跌价、资产减值及应收帐款增加等问题。Companies which product unsalable inventory decline, asset impairment and increase in accounts receivable and so on.

相反,滞销、削价将是一种普遍的、必然的格局,房地产也难逃其外。Instead, unsalable , lower prices would be a universal, inevitable pattern, real estate can not escape away from it.

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北京楼市为何出现滞销状态,其今后的走向如何已成为人们关注的一大热点。Beijing property market why there are unsalable condition, how its future direction has become a hot topic of concern.

医学院校的毕业生也由前些年的“紧俏”逐渐转为“滞销”。The medical colleges and universities graduates also gradually transfer from "scarce" in the past years into "unsalable".

贸易出口总额的急剧下降,数量巨大的滞销服装只能出口转内销。The trade total export's sudden drop, the quantity giant unsalable clothing can only export transfers selling internally.

不同类型的产品在这个阶段,群众有自己的消化,还不存在产品滞销的情况。Various types of products at this stage, the crowd has its own digestion, does not exist yet Products unsalable situation.

需求量的缩减最终会带来房子的滞销,开发商为了尽快地回笼资金,自然会在房价上做文章的。Reduced demand will eventually bring house unsalable , developers to quickly advanced funds will be in the issue of housing.

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通过对畅销品和滞销品的分析,买手能更加合理地制定采购方案。Through the analysis of selling products and unsalable goods, buyers will be more reasonable to develop procurement programme.

君不见几年来沉积的滞销楼盘中,大都是先天营养不足,后天发育不全之类,问题大多出在项目定位之时。Do years depositions unsalable properties, mostly congenital undernourished , acquired stunting such, the issue of a definition of the project.

但越来越多的开发商采取降价促销和新盘低开,也使得滞销局面有所缓解。But more and more developers adopt the reduction promotion and the meaning open lowly, also enables the unsalable aspect to have the alleviation.