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如何将应用程序窗口子类化How to subclass application windows

因此,脂肪酶的酯酶包括一个子类。Lipases thus comprises a subclass of the esterases.

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每个子类的值必须零丁设置。The values have to be set in each subclass independently.

减少了子类及其超类之间的耦合。Reducing coupling between a subclass and its superclasses.

通过这种策略,每个子类都会拥有其自身的表。With this strategy, each proper subclass has its own table.

创建一个模拟对象类作为具体类中的一个子类Create a mock object class as a subclass of the concrete class.

然后您可以使生成的代码生成子类,以添加功能。Then you would subclass the generated code to add functionality.

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这意味着该类的任何子类都无法声明终结器。This means that no subclass of that class can declare a finalizer.

这个函数返回一个对象静态域的值。The result is a reference to a java. lang. Object, or a subclass thereof.

我只需要子类化出来一个超文本对象,然后加上互联网相关代码就行了。I just had to subclass it to make a hypertext object, and add the internet code.

这时,子类可以把构造方法转为公有属性,从而允许任何客户端都可以去创建实例。A subclass could then expose a public constructor, allowing anyone to make instances.

我目前是485签证,尚未申请永居技术移民签证。I am currently on a subclass 485 visa and have not yet applied for a permanent GSM visa.

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有没有更容易的方法来获取硬编码类型参数在子类中实现的?Is there an easier way to retrieve hard-coded type parameters in subclass implementations?

递归原语函数是递归函数定义的一个子类。Primitive recursive functions are a naturally defined subclass of the recursive functions.

子类化你的核心内容,为你的领域类混入任意模块,这正好能正常工作。Subclass to you heart's content, mixin any modules into your domain classes. It just works.

例如,您可以将已有的对象模型分类并且将每一个类型表示为一个事件。For example, you can subclass your existing object model and represent each type as an event.

然后让子类改写某些特殊的方法从而改变基本读取器的行为。The subclass can then override any particular method to alter the behavior of the base reader.

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永远不要直接实例化这个类,而是创建它的子类的一个实例。You will never instantiate this class directly, but always create an instance of its subclass.

类是有层次性的,所以子类可以继承父类的行为。Classes are arranged in a hierarchy, so that a subclass can inherit behavior from its superclass.

创建一个子类,并仅仅重载您在测试方法中所使用的那些方法。You create your subclass and override just those methods that you use in your methods under test.