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他虽然还没有达到婆罗门教的境界。He did not go as far as the Brahmin.

三时,优陀耶婆罗门,以白饭盛满世尊之钵。The Brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One's bowl with rice.

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他住在巴拉纳戈尔,是一位婆罗门学者的儿子。He lived at Baranagore and was the son of a brahmin pundit.

最高瓦尔纳是婆罗门,牧师和学者。The highest varna is the Brahmin , the priests and scholars.

一位婆罗门习惯每天用食物贡品来敬拜他的家庭神。A brahmin used to worship his Family Deity daily with food offerings.

婆罗门又回家换掉了这身华丽的衣服。Once again, the Brahmin returned to his home and changed his clothes.

萨西和萨拉特是一对表兄弟,来自加尔各答一个虔诚的婆罗门家庭。Sashi and Sarat were two cousins who came from a pious brahmin family of Calcutta.

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我不能因为你是婆罗门或属于任何其他的阶层就谴责你。I cannot condemn you because you are a Brahmin or belong to some other blinking caste.

如果你想去卡大哈的婆罗门社区,首先第一步必须要去卡大哈。If you want to go to the brahmin quarter of Khardaha, you must first of all go to Khardaha.

五时,世尊闻孙陀利迦婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门之足音,摘去头包。The Blessed One hearing the foot steps of the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja disclosed his head.

最初被阿难拦截,佛陀无意中打听到,叫那位婆罗门到他这一边。Being earlier turned away by Ananda , Buddha overheard this and called the Brahmin to his side.

二时,萦髻婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门,来诣世尊处。诣而与世尊互相致问,坐于一面。The Brahmin Jañà Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.

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人们好奇地聚拢了过来,最后也都开始朝衣服膜拜,因为婆罗门在这样做。The people gathered round in wonder. And in time came to worship the clothes as this Brahmin was doing.

二时,不害婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门,来诣世尊处。诣而与世尊互相致问,坐于一面。The Brahmin Ahimsaka Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.

他试图结合起来,统一基督教形式与婆罗门概念的最高个人的上帝。He tried to combine a Unitarian form of Christianity with the Brahmin conception of the supreme personal God.

二时,孝养婆罗门来诣世尊处。诣已,与世尊互相致问,坐于一面。Then the brahmin who nourished his mother approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.

一如是我闻。尔时,世尊住摩揭陀国南山一苇婆罗门村。I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the Brahmin village Ekanaliya in the southern hills of Magadha.

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七时,提婆比多婆罗门,施一担温水、一瓶糖蜜予尊者优波婆那。The Brahmin Devahita gave venerable Upavana some warm water with a pingo and a man to carry it and some molasses in a bag.

三其时,库摩都萨邑之婆罗门与家主等,因事而集聚于集会堂。雨绵绵下降。At that time the Brahmin householders of the hamlet Khomadussa had gathered for some purpose and drops rain were also falling.

五其时,尊者梵天之母婆罗门女,常以供牲供梵天。At that time venerable Brahmadeva's mother, a Brahmin woman was steadfastly making adoration to Brahma with out stretched arms.