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这是塔古斯河上有名的吊桥。This is the famous suspension bridge on the Tagus.

创造一个有吸引力的建筑景观,加强入河塔霍下来。The building creates an attractive landscape, stepping down into the river Tagus.

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在夏天的夜晚,它的大露台提供了一个伟大的“冷出”在塔霍河和看法。In Summer nights, its large terrace offers a great "chill-out" and view over River Tagus.

旁边的阿法玛区运行是塔霍河和优美的景色,可当年那么高。Running alongside of the Alfama district is the Tagus River and a nice view can be had when up high.

笔直狭窄的小道通往塔古斯河,在这里可以看到里斯本最美丽的景观之一。Straight narrow side streets lead toward the Tagus and offer some of Lisbon's most picturesque views.

其中一个网站教科文组织在该国,塔贝伦在于对银行的塔古斯河在里斯本举行。One of the many UNESCO sites in the country, Torre de Belem lies on the banks of the Tagus River in Lisbon.

本周,西班牙环保部门承诺,将于明年初从塔霍河流域引水。Spain's environment ministry this week pledged to pump water over from the Tagus river basin early next year.

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葡萄牙西部一城市,里斯本的一个工业郊区,位于塔古斯河港湾。人口为50,8'3。A city of western Portugal, an industrial suburb of Lisbon on the estuary of the Tagus River. Population, 50,8'3.

它地处葡萄牙西部,靠近大西洋海岸,在塔古思河流入大西洋处。It is located in the west of the country, on the Atlantic Coast, at the point where the river Tagus flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

你可能会认为“这没什么”,出现在你眼前的不过是葡萄牙语描述的塔古斯河风景和鸡肉辣椒酱而已。You may think, "Innocuous enough, " as Portuguese-inspired visions of the Tagus River and chicken piri-piri swirl before your eyes.

里斯本当年由船员们在塔霍河进入到大西洋的入海口上建立,曾经是欧洲最富有的都市以及世界的探险中心。Built by seafarers where the Tagus River empties into the Atlantic, Lisbon was once Europe's wealthiest capital and a center of world exploration.

建筑者是一位航海家,那里塔霍河流入大西洋,而里斯本市过去是富人的首府和全世界探险中心。Built by seafarers where the Tagus River empties into the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon was once Europe's wealthiest capital and the center of world exploration.

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虽然它的趋势是对同性恋者的最壮观的地方之一,70年代,面临塔霍河的三间酒吧装修皇后欢迎大家。Although it has the tendency to be one of the greatest places for gays, Queens with decoration of 70s and its three bars facing River Tagus welcomes everyone.

它的室外阳台上温暖的日子里,是最愉快的景点之一,而其内部的用餐区域特色的大窗户,通过它可以看到所有的里斯本下降到塔霍。Its outdoor terrace is one of the most pleasant spots on warmer days, while its interior dining area features large windows through which you can see all of Lisbon descending to the Tagus.