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滚珠丝杠轴向补偿器的设计与实现。Ball screw axis of the compensator is designed.

有些精密仪器用了热补偿器。Some precision gages used a thermal compensator.

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最后,考虑了系统抗饱和补偿器设计问题。Finally, the problem of anti-windup compensator design is issued.

型波纹管是一种重要的柔性连接和补偿元件。C shaped bellows is frequently used as flexible joint and compensator.

具有测距标线和内置的子弹下降补偿。It has range-finding reticle and built-in compensator for bullet drop.

补偿器是大口径非球面主镜补偿检验的关键元件。Compensator is the core element for the null testing of primary mirror.

介绍一种用8098单片机控制的功率因数补偿器。This paper introduces a power factor compensator controlled by a MCS 8098.

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本文介绍一种广义系统补偿器的设计方法。This paper presents a method of compensator design of generalized systems.

对静止补偿器的控制方案和参数整定进行了详尽分析。A detailed analysis is given to the control system of static var compensator.

在供热管道敷设中,需每隔一段距离安装一个补偿器。It is needed to install a compensator every other distance in the heating pipeline.

运动补偿器120的操作将在下文中更加详细地描述。The operation of the motion compensator 120 will be described in more detail below.

最后成功应用于智能工厂实验室的多变量液位控制实验装置。The compensator is succeeded in the multivariable level control experimental apparatus.

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光电倍增管信号在每次补偿器旋转时采样256次。The signal of the photomultiplier is sampled 256 times each rotation of the compensator.

它是通过通常设计的输入-输出反馈补偿器所具有的某些自由度来实现的。It is implemented by some degrees of freedom of the general inputoutput feedback compensator.

有了补偿板之后,任何光程差都只由实际程差引起。With the compensator in place any optical path difference arises from the actual path difference.

本文研究了利用常数补偿器实现鲁棒对角优势的问题。In this paper, the realizations of robust diagonal dominance by constant compensator are discussed.

给出动态输出反馈补偿器存在的充分条件。The sufficient conditions for the existence of the dynamic output feedback compensator were derived.

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线性控制器的设计和时间滞后补偿器的设计是相互独立的。Design of the linearized controller and that of the dead-time compensator are separate from each other.

然而传统的色散补偿器只能补偿各信道色散值相同的情况。However traditional dispersion compensator only can compensate the channels which have same dispersion.

与先前有关结果比较,该动态补偿器能适应更广类型的不确定性。In comparison with previous results, the dynamic compensator can satisfy a wider class of uncertainties.