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为什么不?Wy not?

但是伟易不能这麽说。WY can not say that.

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施历时避开眼部唇部和口部。Keep wy from eyes, lips nd mouth.

好的,伙计,我尊重那权利。Wy Zhang fine man. I respect that.

我的父亲、母亲都是老师,他们两个都喜欢我。Wy father and mother are both teachers , they are both like me.

在我卧病在床期间,他们中的一些来看我,并帮助我学习功课。During my stay in bad, some of them came to see me and helped me with wy lessons.

最为深刻的,是眼睁睁地看到死神让好人慢慢衰竭而无策。The most profound thing is tht we hve nothing to do but let good guy die wy slowly.

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当然,除了听我一直在这说为什么它是如此如此的好之外,为什么不自己尝试一下呢?But rather than listening to me tell you why it's so great, wy don't you try it out yourself?

DIH算法与目前求解流水调度问题最好的启发算法RZ、WY、FL在1500个实例上进行比较。DIH is compared with three best existing heuristics, RZ, WY and FL, on 1500 randomly generated instances.

这或许就是伟易在游泳比赛前夜在小木屋承受撕裂剧痛时所感受到的。This probably was how WY felt, when he was having a severe attack at the hut the night before the competition.

是把用塑料纸裹成条状的小麻放在火柴盒里。每条有10颗。药丸是粉红色的,上面有“WY”字样。In a matchbox, pills were wrapped in strips with plastic paper. Each strip contains 10 pills. The pills are pink with a "WY" label.