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这样就可能把胖的孩子也误诊为性早熟。That might lead obese kids to be prematurely termed pubertal.

但是,对发育期老鼠来说,THP具有相反作用---增加老鼠压力。But in pubertal mice, THP has the opposite effect – increasing their stress.

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然而,发育期老鼠在几次逃窜之后却未能知道回避它。The pubertal mice, however, failed to learn to avoid it even after several rounds.

果然,发育期的老鼠受体数量是幼小老鼠七倍。Sure enough, pubertal mice had seven times as many of the receptors as infant mice.

不能及时青春蜕皮的青春期前雌蟹,稍后仍出现20-HE下降的趋势。Decreasing in 20-HE of those female crabs failed to undergo a pubertal molting on time was also found but delayed.

采取肿胀麻醉乳晕切口微创治疗39例青春期男性乳腺增生症患者。Methods Applied the swelling anesthesia periareolar incision to 39 patients with persistent pubertal gynecomastia.

很明显,青春期正常发育和第二性症的维持都需要瘦素。Leptin is clearly required for appropriate pubertal development and maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics.

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教育后对青春期生殖卫生相关问题的正向态度率均明显高于教育前。After the education, the rates of correct attitude about the pubertal reproductive health are significantly higher than before.

目的探讨应用肿胀麻醉乳晕切口微创治疗青春期男性乳腺增生症的临床经验。Objective To discuss the clinical trials of using swelling anesthesia periareolar incision to treat persistent pubertal gynecomastia.

深沉的男性声音天生就有吸引力,因为它表明较大的青春期睾丸激素,且与生殖的适合度有关。A deep male voice is inherently attractive, as it indicates greater exposure to pubertal testosterone and is linked to reproductive fitness.

斯卡贝克指出,动物实验已经表明,双酚A是一种弱雌性激素,会加快老鼠的青春期发育。Skakkabaek points out that animal experiments have shown that Bisphenol A is a weak oestrogen that can accelerate pubertal development in mice.

中华医学会儿科学分会内分泌遗传代谢学组青春发育调查研究协作组。The Pubertal Study Group of the Subspecialty Group of Endocrinologic, Hereditary and Metabolic Diseases, Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association.

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抗草甘膦大豆对鼠胎儿、出生后、发育期与成年睾丸发展的一代研究。Brake, D. G. , Evenson, D. P. 2004. A generational study of glyphosate-tolerant soybeans on mouse fetal, postnatal, pubertal and adult testicular development.

这将对理解这些网络是如何作为药物驱动生成反馈影响青春期和生殖功能的特殊厌食物质。It will be important to understand these networks as the pharmaceutical drive to develop specific anorectic agents may have repercussions for pubertal and reproductive function.

痤疮是一种青春期常见的毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾病,其特点为粉刺、丘疹、脓疱、炎性结节、浅表脓性囊肿及深部炎症。Acne is a common pubertal diseases of pilosebaceous chronic inflammation, characterized by acne, papule, agria, inflammatory nodus, superficial purulent cyst and deep inflammation.

文章讨论的性早熟指的是女性同性性早熟。论述了性早熟与正常女性青春期发育及其病因、评估和治疗手段。The definition of female isosexual precocious puberty and its relationship to normal pubertal development, its etiology, evaluation, and treatment will be reviewed in this chapter.

目的了解中学阶段青少年的性发育和性行为发生状况,为开展适宜的生殖健康教育及服务提供建议。Objective To understand the pubertal development status and sex behaviors of middle school students and to provide suggestions for implementation of reproductive health education and services.