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和平问题仍是最主要的问题。The peace issue remains uppermost.

檐部的最高部分。The uppermost part of an entablature.

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将其名称用于最高级的类。Use its names for the uppermost classes.

右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛朝上。A dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost.

边座座位,楼座座位上述边座的座位,通常比正座的票价低。The cheapest seats in a theater, generally those of the uppermost gallery.

尽管如此,最上的2个椎间盘仍然相对较少受累。Howeer, the 2 uppermost disc spaces were still proportionally less affected.

尽管如此,最上的2个椎间盘仍然相对较少受累。However, the 2 uppermost disc spaces were still proportionally less affected.

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智慧种族伍基人占据着最上面一层——林冠层。The world's intelligent Wookiees occupy the uppermost level, the forest canopy.

洪旱灾害是我国内陆干旱区最主要的自然灾害。Flood and drought are the uppermost natural disasters in Chinese inner land area.

道教心目中的至大至美的精神境界,可以通过“游”来获得。It provides an experience of the uppermost and supreme spiritual realm in Taoism.

但他表示,经济危机的教训将是他考虑的首要问题。But the lessons of the economic crisis will be uppermost in his thoughts, he says.

最高楼层将以世界最高的非封闭式观察台为特色。The uppermost floors will feature the world's highest non-enclosed observation deck.

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交叉定位是舰载微波超视距雷达最主要的定位方式。The cross location is the uppermost location mode for the ship-borne microwave OTH radar.

脑袋里想着这个寓言故事会促使受试者去帮助他人吗?Would having a relevant parable uppermost in their minds nudge participants into helping?

仅最上面局部的粗粒砂岩对铀是有利的。The only local coarse-grained sand-stones in the uppermost part are important for uranium.

这些男像柱和女像柱都朝向塔楼最高的楼层。The atlantes and caryatids also appear to evolve towards the uppermost floors of the towers.

在议员们与世行行长的会见中,发展问题也是首要问题。Development issues were also uppermost for the parliamentarians who met the Bank's president.

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渔业资源是渔业生产和发展的最主要的物质基础。Fishery resources are the uppermost physical foundation of fishery production and development.

对于重原子,必须考虑自旋-轨道耦合相对论效应。Alternatively speaking, the effect of spin-orbit-coupling is uppermost in relativistic effects.

卡佩罗最看重的可能就是防守,因为门将也缺人。Defending may have been uppermost in Capello's mind because of a goalkeeper shortage in particular.