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优柔寡断是行动的天敌。Indecision is the enemy of action.

犹豫不决时会在心里自问自答。Indecision in heart will ask the answer.

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我们面临的第二个敌人是优柔寡断。The second enemy we face is indecision.

这种惊疑只延续了几秒钟。This indecision only lasted a few seconds.

优柔寡断还可以导致痛失良机。Indecision can also result in missed opportunities.

过去的梦游似的迷迷糊糊和优柔寡断早已不在。He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision.

麻木的,累坏了的,他站在这刀锋似的优柔寡断上面。Numb, battered, he balanced on the knife-edge of indecision.

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犹豫不决会化为怀疑,两者合一,就是恐惧!Indecision crystalizes into DOUBT, the two blend and become FEAR!

最重要的是,这会使你变得犹豫不决而且信心全无。Most importantly it will lead to indecision and a loss of confidence.

分析师认为,布朗的犹豫不决,是其民意支持率下滑的起源。Analysts saw his indecision as the beginning of his descent in popularity.

但这一次从一开始,她就陷入犹豫不决的难题之中。But this particular project, from the outset, was plagued with indecision.

我们会发现自己被陷住,被无法决策打倒,没有能力前进。We would find ourselves stuck, overcome by indecision and unable to move forward.

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有那么一会儿,他仿佛迷失了方向,停了下来,踌躇不决。There came a moment when he appeared to lose himself, and he paused in indecision.

此外,那六十万法郎已使老处女的犹豫心情一扫而光了。Moreover, the six hundred thousand francs had settled the elderly spinster's indecision.

事实上,所有迫切的经济改革都受阻于政治阻力和领导人的优柔寡断。In fact, all urgent economic reforms were blocked by political resistance and indecision.

对大部分人来说,问题在于没有足够的空间,没有时间,没有条理以及优柔寡断。For most people, the problem is limited space, lack of time, disorganization or indecision.

当美国队拿到一连串的角球,英格兰队的防守出现了不可饶恕的犹豫。There was inexcusable indecision from the England defence as the United States won a barrage of corners.

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犹豫不决、意志薄弱和优柔寡断是阻碍人们忠实地履行自己职责的最大障碍。What most stands in the way of the performance of duty, is irresolution, weakness of purpose, and indecision.

从他的姿势和面容上显露出来的,仅仅是一种奇特的犹豫神情。The only thing which was clearly to be inferred from his attitude and his physiognomy was a strange indecision.

有的时候,我们想自私,但是马上被自己的良心拉回去了,但是我们永远不会因为自己的善良而后悔的。Sometimes we want to take a selfish approach, but, some inner conscience is holding us back creating indecision.