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或是风笛手的助理?The Pied Piper's assistant?

你会觉得自己的花衣服派!You'll feel like the Pied Piper!

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最好坚信被某人挖掘。Best believe somebody’s payin the pied piper.

最好相信有人会为你在身后默默注视着你。Best believe somebody"s payin the pied piper."

你是惠廷顿的朋友?或是吹笛手的助理吗?Were you Whittington's friend? The Pied Piper's assistant?

其时他抵临了一个叫“花牛”的镇子。And at that time he abode in the town which is called The Pied Cow.

魔笛的故事里,那个村庄鼠患泛滥。In the tale of the Pied Piper, we have a village overrun with rats.

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在PSI的名单上有关经销商服务评价一栏,梅塞德斯.奔驰赫然在目。Mercedes tops Pied Piper's list of satisfaction at the dealerships.

只有哈梅林的花衣吹笛人中,孩子们被带走,永远丢失了。Only in the Pied Piper of Hamelin are the children taken away, lost forever.

冠斑犀鸟是一种很大、很漂亮,与森林关系密切的鸟类。The Oriental Pied hornbill is a large bird native to South and South East Asia.

澳大利亚吹笛人罗伯特安格森的演说将他的思想待到了加拿大。Robert Eagleson, Australia's Pied Piper of plain speech, brought his message to Canda.

当德国哈默尔恩的人们遇上鼠疫的难题,他们请来了一个花衣魔笛手。When the people of Hamelin, Germany had a problem with rats, they called the Pied Piper.

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包括彩色霸鹟、芦鹀、白喉莺在内的鸟类常常避开在城市生存。Species which tend to avoid cities include pied flycathers, reed bunting and whitethroat.

象斑纹京燕鸟和食雀鹰这样的鸟类,甚至根据食物的多少而改变喂养策略。Some, such as pied flycatchers and sparrow hawks, even change tack as the availability of food changes.

有段时间,我们身后跟着几百名群众,我们几个人就像在吹魔笛,吸引他们一路跟随。At one point, we had a crowd of several hundred people following us, a bit like the Pied Piper of Hamlin.

像汉姆林镇穿彩衣的吹笛人一样,当我第二次再去购物中心的时候我会发现有八九个小孩跟在我的后面。Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, I would find myself trailed by eight or nine children by my second round of the shopping mall.

通常,卷尾燕栖息在斑点鹃种群的巢穴上部,一次又一次地俯冲下来偷取食物。Traditionally, the drongo perches above a crowd of foraging pied babblers and swoops in from time to time to steal its catch.

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这看上去有些滑稽,但是这次的‘吹笛手鸭子时装游行派对’是目前在一年一度的悉尼皇家复活节展览会上最受欢迎的节目。And it may seem daffy, but this Pied Piper Duck Parade was by far the most popular event at the annual Royal Easter Show in Sydney.

似乎看上去有点疯狂,不过悉尼一年一度的皇家农博会上穿花衣的鸭子时装秀仍是最受欢迎的节目。And it may seem daffy, but this Pied Piper Duck Parade was by far the most popular event at the annual Royal Easter Show in Sydney.

尽管看起来有些傻,但这种“花衣吹笛手鸭子式游行”一直以来都是悉尼皇家复活节演出中最受欢迎的活动。And it may seem daffy , but this Pied Piper Duck Parade was by far the most popular event at the annual Royal Easter Show in Sydney.