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一把揪住那异教徒的头发。Grabs a fistful of the infidels hair.

一连串的脏话后,他将一把硬币砸向出租车。In a flurry of F-and-C-words he threw a fistful of coins at the taxi.

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再下一周,你可以试着限制每餐的蛋白质摄入量。And the next week, youcould aim to eat a fistful of protein at every meal.

到第三次约会时,我对他的渴望已经超过了对一大堆瑞丝皮鞋的渴望了。By the third date, I wanted him even more than a fistful of Reese's Pieces.

所有人都知道这一切只是从那一抔土的故事开始的,但没有谁能真正的了解故事将会在哪里结束。It may have all begun with a fistful of dirt, but nobody really knows where it might end.

我走近坛子,从衣兜里掏出一大把硬币来。I walked over to the pickle jar, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out a fistful of coins.

琼恩从门后的麻袋里抓了把干麦子撒在地上,然后占住椅子。Jon took a fistful of dried kernels from the sack by the door and scattered them on the floor, then claimed the chair.

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一岁大的贝迪靠抓紧母亲贝丝的皮毛,使自己也能随着她在林间飞快的穿梭。A fistful of mother's skin and hair keeps one-year-old Bekti aloft as she rides on Beth, who is hurtling herself through the forest.

五月初,当我回到奥贾时,它的泉水已经减少为涓涓细流,使这座村庄像爽身粉一样干燥。When I returned to Auja in early May, its spring had been reduced toa trickle, leaving the village as dry as a fistful of talcum powder.

莫丝扔掉一把鸽子骨头,用鼻子嗅了嗅婴儿,接着又嗅了嗅天空,然后就带着钟表匠,像一阵微风似的,慢慢地走进城。Moth tossed a fistful of pigeon bones and sniffed the baby, and sniffed the sky, and led the clockmaker across town, as soft as a breeze.

会议厅的焦点无疑是银发老者大卫•维尔,他现在是国际审计委员会的二把手,握有一大堆令人不寒而栗的资料,。Star of the podium was silver-haired David Will, the now ex-head of the internal audit committee and he had a fistful of dangerous documents.

但是即使私营部门繁荣了起来-产生了大量的中产阶级和亿万富翁-但管理却依然十分糟糕。But even as the private sector booms -- swelling the middle class and producing billionaires by the fistful -- the quality of governance remains abysmal.

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一打多的人受了伤而其中一个私生子的男孩,卢顿,则做着吵闹的垂死挣扎,哭爹喊娘的同时试图将一把粘稠的内脏塞回他大张的肚子里。A dozen more were wounded and one of the Bastard's Boys, Luton, was dying noisily, crying for his mother as he tried to shove a fistful of slimy entrails back through a gaping belly wound.

由于健康的年轻人和中年人很少看医生,所以这只能意味着,尤其是很多老年人,目前每天都在大把大把吃药。Millions of the healthy young and middle aged seldom see a doctor, so this can only mean that many, especially in the older age group, must currently be taking a fistful of drugs every day.

他从玻璃盒子里取出些假牙,都是还套着石膏模的,又把一堆仪器按大小顺序摆在桌上,跟搞展览似地。He took some false teeth, still mounted in their plaster mold, out of the glass case and put on the table a fistful of instruments which he arranged in size order, as if they were on display.