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哦,教学大纲?Oh, the syllabus?

你们都拿到教学大纲了吗Did you all get a syllabus?

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本来就没有固定的大纲There is no fixed syllabus.

教学大纲里还有很多其它的The syllabus lists many more.

课程大纲已经贴在网上了The syllabus is posted online.

我们就这样讲到了教学大纲。So, that's how we get to the syllabus.

在课程大纲里有完整的引用。See the syllabus for the full citation.

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课程表就在这儿传阅一下。The syllabus is going around the class.

书名在教学大纲上有。The information is here on the syllabus.

我要怎么处理我的教学大纲呢?So what do you do with those on a syllabus?

这周没有讨论课,请看教学大纲。No sections this week. Look at the syllabus.

还有其他问题吗,好,请看教学大纲。Anybody else? Questions? Okay,look at your syllabus.

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我们的课程大纲规定他们要修满十个模组单元。We have a syllabus which says that they do 10 modules.

我想谈一下教学大纲及要求。I want to talk a little about the syllabus and the requirements.

这就是教学大纲没能告诉大家的。So that's the piece of the syllabus that I can't tell you about.

我想顺便提一下,我们一起对课程进行了设置。I should say, by the way, that we worked out a syllabus together.

那天我决定跳过故事,回到我自己通常的教学大纲上来。That day I decided to skip the story and return to my usual syllabus.

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我们在教学大纲上没有很多英国诗人。It's not--Well, we don't have a lot of English poets on this syllabus.

这些学生觉得高考物理科委实很难应付得好。The students find it difficult to cope with the syllabus of AL Physics.

进考场的时候,我连考试的要求都不清楚。I mean, I went into the exam hall not even knowing my exam syllabus well.