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没有人该虐待无辜的孩子。No one should mistreat innocent kids.

我没有虐待你。我从没打过你。I don't mistreat you. I've never hit you.

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人不会亏待自己的朋友。不要去想办法解决。A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle.

在科罗拉多州丹佛市虐待老鼠是违法的。It is illegal to mistreat rats in Denver, Colorado.

虐待任何很重要的东西都是违法的。It is illegal to mistreat anything of great importance.

不该虐待我,宝贝,因为我年轻狂野。Shouldn't mistreat me, baby, because I'm young and wild.

禁止对违反治安管理的人打骂、虐待或者侮辱。It is forbidden to beat or abuse, mistreat or insult the offender.

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为了良心行事,我们不该虐待他人。For the sake of good conscience, we should not mistreat other people.

不可亏负寄居的,也不可欺压他,因为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt.

请不要只因为昨晚发生的事件就武断地判定和误解我们。Please do not judge and mistreat us just because of what happened tonight.

即使是自己的狗也不要虐待它,否则它也会抗议,甚至咬你一口。Don't mistreat even your dog, otherwise he will turn into Balaam's ass and bite you.

而如果他学不会——嗯,那就要给他一个教训,让他明白错待了国王的女儿是多么愚蠢。And if he doesn't—well, it would show him a fool indeed were he to mistreat the king's daughter.

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我们在田野与他们来往的时候,没有受他们的欺负,也未曾失落什么。They did not mistreat us, and the whole time we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing.

我礼貌的请求全世界注意,请不要只因为今晚发生的事情评判和误解我们。I politely ask the attention of the world. Please do not judge and mistreat us just because of what happened tonight.

如果动物不开心、生了病,它们就不产奶,所以虐待动物或缩短它们的寿命并不符合农场的利益。Unhappy, ill animals do not produce milk, so it's not in the farm's interests to mistreat them or shorten their lifespan.

你的牧人在迦密的时候,和我们在一处,我们没有欺负他们,他们也未曾失落什么。When your shepherds were with us, we did not mistreat them, and the whole time they were at Carmel nothing of theirs was missing.

他也许认为他可以永无止境地虐待他的妻子。但我了解他的妻子,我敢说总有一天她会起来反抗的。He may think that he can continue indefinitely to mistreat his wife, but knowing her, I should say that some day the worm may turn.

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赖特最近退休,他激烈的布道是出了名的,就像2003年他关注他所认为的美国政府虐待黑人那样。Wright retired recently and was known for fiery sermons, like this one in 2003 that focused on what he believed were U.S. government efforts to mistreat blacks.

但是你为寻找陌生人而寻找的时候,已经将真正的粉丝所忽视,他们也不可能给你带来好处。And yet if you're in search of strangers, odds are you're going to mistreat a true fan in order to seduce yet another stranger who probably won't reward you much.

许多科学唯物主义者、基督徒和东方教义的追随者乐意屠杀人命、虐待动物一直都令我惊骇。The willingness on many Scientific Materialists, Christians and followers of Eastern teachings to take human life and to mistreat animals had all along appalled me.