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它们具有革命的伟大意义。They have a revolutionary grandeur.

该地以祥和的气氛取代了逐渐消退的庄严。The place has a gracious air of faded grandeur.

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论雄伟优美,多恩无法与弥尔顿匹敌。Donne cannot rival Milton in grandeur and beauty.

阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言来表达的。No words can express the grandeur of that parade.

我喜欢它那纯朴而又宏伟的峭壁。I liked the simple, wild grandeur of the palisades.

旧德里及其宏伟气势正在消失的广场。Old delhi with its esplanades of crumbling grandeur.

美轮美奂的东方明珠塔让我们感到震撼。We are amazed by the grandeur of the Oriental Pearl.

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他用华美的幻想激怒了兄弟们。He provokes his brothers with his delusions of grandeur.

圆明园的壮丽是其他园林无可比拟的。The grandeur of the Old Summer Palace is second to none.

除了夸大妄想外,你没有忍受任何痛苦。You’re not suffering from anything but delusions of grandeur.

大特顿是一条无法形容的壮丽山脉。The Grand Tetons are a mountain range of unspeakable grandeur.

把一种严重的错误当作天职来奉行,这自有它的伟大之处。To mistake a grave error for a duty has a grandeur of its own.

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身处阿拉斯加宏伟壮丽之中,在美得令人眩晕的湖上划艇。Kayaking on a stunning lake in the middle of Alaska's grandeur.

结合了庄严和很好的本质,勇敢而温顺。A combination of grandeur and good nature, courage and docility.

这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.

不过,岩壁的恢弘巨大总是更能摄人心魄。However, the size, and grandeur of a cliff is always so captivating.

小我欲以它的浮华虚夸来取代上主的庄严伟大。The grandiosity of the ego is its alternative to the grandeur of God.

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活现我们的伟大庄严,显示我们是如何爱这个世界。Being ourself in all of our grandeur shows how much we love the world.

就座后,铜质的餐具彰显着宫殿般的富丽堂皇。Seated, the bronze table setting gives you a sense of palace grandeur.

现在我们知道了史诗的雄壮还有主题很重要。Now we have the trappings here of epic grandeur and epic subject matter.